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  1. K

    Account suspensions...

    I did today...I was updating posts...and after ~5 it suspended my account (I schedule posts ahead of time). This was never the case previously...I think after the servers were moved, they made the account more I can;t even update my blog...I think I will need to move my page...
  2. K

    Account suspensions...

    Thanks for the responses...but I am still being suspended....I can resume the account...but then 10 min. later it is suspended again...I can't imagine the web page is being hit very much at all! I am not that popular! :) And by "many" you mean 3? 20? My wordpress is very...
  3. K

    Account suspensions...

    I am not using WP Super Cache... I am using: Askimet, Google Analytics, I like This, Twitter Tools...there are two more (DUI and Auto Delete Posts) but I don't think these are only invoked when I access them...not when serving up the web page. Do you know if one of these is a CPU hog?
  4. K

    Account suspensions...

    My account was suspended again...and I got this message: "You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, and the third...
  5. K

    Error establishing a database connection

    Seems like SQL is back. Thanks to anyone/whoever did something to fix this!
  6. K

    Error establishing a database connection

    Seems that my wordpress page is dead ... and I get the "Error establishing a database connection" error. Is SQL down? ANy word on when it might be back up again? ( Thanks.
  7. K

    email missing

    My site was down for a day or so...I assume de to the server is back up now, and all is good...except e-mail. I am no longer receiveing e-mails sent to my account...they don't bounce, but they don't show up either. Is this due to the server move as well? Will these e-mails show up...
  8. K

    MySQL down?

    It seems that my Wordpress blog is not working, and it looks like the same error as when MySQL was down previously. Is it down for updates or something?
  9. K

    Yet another suspension

    All looks good. Thanks for your help! (Anything I did or didn't do to cause the suspension in the first place?)
  10. K

    Yet another suspension

    My account has been suspended...and there is no reason...Suspension reason reads: "Unfortunately this suspension is not able to be resolved automatically. To resolve this suspension please open a support ticket." Can someone let me know why? Or if it was a mistake/error, when it might be back...
  11. K

    Mysql Server down (Stoli)

    Thanks for the update...and I too hope they check Boru as well as Stoli. (Boru MySQL dead as well)
  12. K

    Boru, Wordpress database error

    I have no problem if it is temporary while the admins are fixing/updating/whatever. I just didn't know if there was something specific I needed to do, or didn't do and I should have etc. Thanks!
  13. K

    Boru, Wordpress database error

    My Wordpress site was working properly yesterday, but today I am getting database errors. "Error establishing a database connection" When I try to access my database via CPanel, I get "Error while connecting to MySQL. Failover enacted." Any ideas on how to remedy this? Thanks