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  1. R

    Connection to server reset

    That's because I just changed to another web server- I don't like it as much, and want to be on x10, but I need my site running. I figure I will keep up with x10 and see when it stops having such big server issues and then switch back.
  2. R

    Connection to server reset

    I have had an account with x10. When the move happened it lost my hosting account, so I started a new hosting account to get my site back up on. And it hasn't worked. I opened it on 4/14 and uploaded all my files then...
  3. R

    Connection to server reset

    I see some issues here with my server status by I do not understand what they mean: Server Status Service Details Status spamd up ftpd up syslogd up httpd...
  4. R

    Connection to server reset

    Also- my website is and I am on the chopin server
  5. R

    Connection to server reset

    Every time I try to bring my site up it says the "Connection was Reset". What I have done so far: I updated my name servers on GoDaddy on 4/14/10 I cleared my DNS cache I cleared my browsers history (I use Firefox) I made sure I have an index.html I also made sure all my files for the...
  6. R

    How long does it take for a website to show up?

    Ok, I cleared my cache etc. and it is still not coming up. I updated my name servers on GoDaddy on 4/14/10, and have received a verification e-mail that the nameserver was updated. All files are in public_html. Any other ideas? Thanks!
  7. R

    How long does it take for a website to show up?

    I was just wondering how long it takes for a website to show up once it is built? Thanks!
  8. R

    Lost account

    I have put in a request already....but haven;t heard anything back. My website will not come up, and now it is telling me I do not have a web hosting account. Do you know what is wrong? Or do I seriously have to rebuild my website? I hadn't been suspended or anything, so that is not the issue.
  9. R

    Website still will not open.

    I see where it says in the updates that everything is up and running...but my site is still not running and I still cannot log into cPanel. It has been well over a week since my site worked. Help!
  10. R

    Website still will not open.

    It has been over a week since my website was accessible. I know this move has been going on...but other people sites come up. I was just wondering if there is something specifically wrong with mine or something.
  11. R

    Website will not open.

    Our website has not opened in 5 days and cpanel will not let me log in.