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  1. G - Site suspended URGENT!

    Do not talk like you are happy because of my misfortune. We are a community working together trying to make a living. Therefore you should be willing to find a way to help me instead of trying to be rude. I am not part of the bad guys.
  2. G - Site suspended URGENT!

    Just let me get my files, is that to much??
  3. G - Site suspended URGENT!

    Please, just let me get my information out. You will not lose nothing. If you do not do so is not going to make things better for you. I need that information. Is essential for my business. As well as you we are individuals trying to make things work and do what is right. I do not think this is...
  4. G - Site suspended URGENT!

    I did not know! Please Could you take me to a paid server?? Even if I have to pay I will be more than happy to do so I can recover my information which is very valuable.
  5. G - Site suspended URGENT!

    My account was suspended because of the next violation: shell scripts are prohibited on x10hosting's servers. I did not know about this rule. Now I need to get connected to the FTP to get my file system and save all my information. I there any way you can let me access my site's cPanel to...
  6. G

    Website Suspension

    Hello, I saw the update about the suspended sites. My site is and was suspended on July 16. I am very happy with your way of doing things look forward to stay with you. Best regards, Euver Joaquin Castillo
  7. G

    Website Suspension

    Hello my friends from, I am basically contacting you because my site, was suspended on may 24th because my inactivity in the forums. I would like to know what is the best way to get it restored because it requested the restoration around one week ago. Thank...