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  1. F

    date validation

    Oh sorry I thought I can beg a code here for free, guilty for not reading the rules Im still trying to search on the net I'll try date() then :)
  2. F

    date validation

    can someone help me i need a code/script for date validation either php or javascript the user cant enter a date that already has passed by or the current date example if today is oct 1 2010 and the user entered oct 1 2010 or sept 22 2010, the system should not accept the input and display...
  3. F

    Count to 1 Million

    2549 clicks before i post my reply to this thread :biggrin:
  4. F

    Help, cant login cpanel

    I cant login on cpanel but I can enter on my account i use the username and the same password as my account but I still cant log-in please help me i need to maintain my site immediately for tomorrow btw, why did the cpanel x became cpanel 11? on the title of the login page of cpanel...