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  1. K

    server chopin, I can't access to phpmyadmin

    Hi Anna, I received from phpmyadmin the next answer: User or password were incorrect. Access was denied. I don't know waht was the reason that started this problem, but I am not able to solve it. Please, could you help me. Thanks
  2. K

    Cancelar cuenta

    Continuo queriendo eliminar mi cuenta de hosting gratuito para crear una nueva... dejo los datos resumidos de la cuenta: Hosting Account Summary Hosting Username mororles Status Unsuspended Package...
  3. K

    Cancelar cuenta

    Hola; He tenido problemas con el hosting y quiero cancelar la cuenta: no connsigo recibir soporte; luego quiero cancela la cuenta y talvez intente abrir una nueva cpanel mororles sitio Por favor; hagan una eliminacion total: Gracias 8)
  4. K

    Problemas con el soporte

    Hola compañeros, Tengo este ticket abierto desde el viernes... Previamente mantuve otro por el mismo asunto durante más de una semana y no recibo respuestas. Solicite en otro ticket un...
  5. K

    server chopin, I can't access to phpmyadmin

    Dear all, I can't access to phpmyadmin since several days ago, so I can't do anything in my future web page. I can't install joomla throug your own instalers and neither from ftp. I need to reset my account or close this account an open a new account. Please, could you confirm what's the...
  6. K

    unable to conect to mysql

    Please close this ticket
  7. K

    total restauration

    Please, close this ticket, Thanks
  8. K

    unable to conect to mysql

    Hi, I placed a message one week ago, and I haven't received any answer. I have problems to access to phpmyadmin. I always receive the same message: "user or password are incorrect. Access was denied" I don't know what is wrong, but I can't do anything since days ago. Please, Could you...
  9. K

    unable to conect to mysql

    Hi, I'm unable to conect to my sql from control panel. I'm also unable to install joomla cms from ftp. I'm receiving again and again the same message. User or password were incorrect. acces denied. I tried to delete database and user, and create a new database and new user. I deleted...
  10. K

    total restauration

    First of all, thank you for your quick answer, but... I set nameservers on my domain, but I continued having problems. However, this morning everything worked correctly. In the other hand, when i try to install a component or a plugin trough installer of from a directory on my ftp, I...
  11. K

    total restauration

    Please, could I have a totally restauration of my account. I installed joomla 1.5.21, but I did several process and I had corrupted all the installation. I also, made, a dominion change, since this moment I receive error 404 constantly.