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  1. ben24

    Link Exchange for Gaming Websites

    :O - site topic clash with mine
  2. ben24

    Link exchange with Pac-Man games

    I could exchange with you. I've linked to you from my homepage - please do the same back! <a href="" title="Minecraft Help Site">Minecraft Help Site</a> Feel free to add non-linked text before and after - but please try to avoid editing the code! Thanks ;)
  3. ben24

    Link orBanner Exchange with related site

    I could exchange with you. I've linked to you from my homepage - please do the same back! <a href="" title="Minecraft Help Site">Minecraft Help Site</a> Feel free to add non-linked text before and after - but please try to avoid editing the code! Thanks ;)
  4. ben24

    Link exchange with - minecraft help site

    I have placed my link on the home page - please add my link <a href="" title="Minecraft Help Site">Minecraft Help Site</a> Feel free to add anything you want before the link (If you play minecraft... ect) but please try to keep the code identical :) Let me know...
  5. ben24

    x10Hosting's Community Minecraft Server

    Is this server run from an X10 VPS?
  6. ben24

    Resource Usage Warning

    Ok thanks :)
  7. ben24


    Thank you!!!
  8. ben24

    Link exchange with - minecraft help site

    If anyone wants to swap links - just post and we can talk links :)
  9. ben24


    How do credits work?
  10. ben24

    Resource Usage Warning

    Hi, I got my account suspended - something to do with resource usage. However, it also said that it was warning 1/3 - how long will it take for this warning to expire? Ben