I could exchange with you. I've linked to you from my homepage - please do the same back!
<a href="http://minecraft.org.uk/" title="Minecraft Help Site">Minecraft Help Site</a>
Feel free to add non-linked text before and after - but please try to avoid editing the code! Thanks ;)
I could exchange with you. I've linked to you from my homepage - please do the same back!
<a href="http://minecraft.org.uk/" title="Minecraft Help Site">Minecraft Help Site</a>
Feel free to add non-linked text before and after - but please try to avoid editing the code! Thanks ;)
I have placed my link on the home page - please add my link
<a href="http://minecraft.org.uk/" title="Minecraft Help Site">Minecraft Help Site</a>
Feel free to add anything you want before the link (If you play minecraft... ect) but please try to keep the code identical :)
Let me know...
I got my account suspended - something to do with resource usage. However, it also said that it was warning 1/3 - how long will it take for this warning to expire?