Search results

  1. K

    Exam Result Viewing System - Our Project

    The site is very simple, please center it. Apart from that. When i pressed submit. It came "Please fill the field " in the next page. You may write a java script for this. And in the registration page. What is the Exam number you could have mentioned it is only for your university students or...
  2. K

    mycontrol panel has some problems

    MY Control panel user name is : klnce
  3. K

    Google Ads?

    The best way to earn with adsense is that integrate your content with ads. That means the color of ads should be similar with content color. Be sure you use text-link ads. Referral ads pay some what high. be sure you insert everything. Adsense pays only through check, however you can choose...
  4. K

    The world of programming

    No tutorial is as good as It is the best for a beginner to start with.
  5. K

    The first website you visted ??

    I think that was that was nearly in 2000......... Everything comes late to India. But everything rocks in India.
  6. K

    How to add a search bar to your website?

    Yeah that is good. But you can earn by inserting google search box. Just go to and do the signup. Then you can get the code for google search box. And you will get some $$ if some one uses it. _______________ I am using Google adnsense in
  7. K

    test jsp and asp web pages at home...

    all the features look too good. Except the fact that the professional edition is 125$. And there was no free or trial edition was available. _______________ Mine is
  8. K

    Please help urgently!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Install the forum(phpBB) from fantacisco.why do u want to upload it and install. ____________________________ my site is
  9. K


    One database is necessary for a forums it can be IBM DB2 or Open source Mysql or Oracle or Microsoft's sql server 2008 or Post Gre. And you need one server side language to connect it. provides PHP as it is open source. And they also give mysql and postgre databases. Either you...
  10. K

    4 Tips to build a successful forum

    yeah competition is there. But linking the similar kind of forums will help u to get visitors. For example see the question asked in other similar competitor forum. Give the answer in your site and give the URL to other forum. So u wont violate the forum rules. And you are getting one user.
  11. K

    mySQL Question

    Very simple query select * from table1,table2 where table1.columnname=table2.columnname; My site is
  12. K


    Upload themes to themes folder of phpBB forum installation directory. Then the theme will appear in the phpBB admin side. I have two themes, if u need it PM me. My site is
  13. K

    php , jsp , asp?

    A perfect answer from CRISP. Security comes "How you write the code " But java has certain other advanatages like Java Server faces and servelets over PHP.
  14. K

    Good website creation program

    Microsoft Sharepoint Designer is best. It will be perfect for dummies who do not know even what is html. I designed page and linked with sqlserver2005 i designed the site, i got revenue. I still don't know coding Microsoft Rocks !!! I created this site using that tool...
  15. K

    feedback, please?

    It has some resolution problems i think. I saw in Firefox 3. I cannot view the entire page.
  16. K

    Help Customizing Captchas

    I personally use the captcha from this site It has AJAX captcha so an alert displays without reloading the page. And this captcha has some inbuilt work done, avoiding some confusion between 0 and o , 1 and l . s and 5......... It has answer for every one. Please...
  17. K

    How to get high quality traffic without spending a penny?

    Many popular site gets most of sites from search engines like google. How to optimize for google 1)Title is the best place to put your important and unique information page. Because Google considers Title as important things than meta tags 2)Include alt attributes for images 3)Do not...
  18. K

    PHP security

    Try to use Captcha (Image Verification) do not show any email id (spammers are looking for )
  19. K

    mycontrol panel has some problems

    my control panel username is klnce and my site is When i log into my control panel i get an error saying DNS info is missing. Please correct. Thanks for your free hosting. I love it. My site is
  20. K

    Login Using php

    My control panel username is klnce but it is not working. I thought of complainin but i forgot.please check towards it