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  1. akinet

    Wordpress stop working after migration

    Anybody know how can I get the password to access my database?
  2. akinet

    Wordpress stop working after migration

    I've been looking for options to update Wordpress and I've discovered that Softaculous gives me that possibility. But when I try to backup Wordpress (first step to update) this message appears: Could not connect to database, please check the Username/Password of your database. If changed...
  3. akinet

    Wordpress stop working after migration

    Thank you. You are in the right direction. Can I know which PHP version was using before migration? I think I need to run successfully WP to upgrade to a new version compatible with 7.2.
  4. akinet

    Wordpress stop working after migration

    Hi. After migration to DirectAdmin my Wordpress installation has stopped working. Nothing is showed when I access to my WP site ( I have been reviewing it and finally I have found information in error logs. Every time I access WP site in error logs appears a line like this...
  5. akinet

    Internal Server Error in my website

    Thanks a lot. I had renamed that file to 'original.htaccess' but it didn't work. Now it's working. I haven't created that file. The file only had 2 line feeds. Where is it coming from? Regards.
  6. akinet

    Internal Server Error in my website

    Hi. I am receiving Error 500 when I try to access my website What is wrong? Main server is xo2. Is there a problem with this server? Regards. akinet
  7. akinet

    Getting : Error establishing a database connection while opening my site

    Thank you. Now it's working again. ;)
  8. akinet

    Getting : Error establishing a database connection while opening my site

    Same situation for me: The MySQL® server is currently offline. Can any admin g¡ve a response?
  9. akinet

    Error establishing a database connection

    Hi. My wordpress is not working: "Error establishing a database connection" TIA ---------- Post added at 01:18 ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 ---------- Now it seems it's working fine. Regards
  10. akinet

    Chopin Expedited Copy TIA.
  11. akinet

    Freely available print-and-play games

    This will be useful if you want to play another kind of games: Enjoy it! :biggrin:
  12. akinet

    CPanel & FTP password reset

    I need a new password for CPanel and FTP. FTP was working fine until yesterday but now is also rejecting the password. Subdomain: Username: oracuv71 Please send me a PM with my new password. Thanks in advance. Aki
  13. akinet

    Where are the forum rules?

    Hi all. I have been looking for a link to the Forum rules but I can´t find. I only have found this link ( but it's very generic. It hasn't any information about point system or reasons to be warned. Can anybody help me...
  14. akinet

    Wordpress installation failures

    Hi. I have tried to install Wordpress using the Cpanel scripts library. But after press Install button this message appears: WordPress 1.5 Setup Error: /home/oracuv71/public_html/wp already exists I have previously verified that this directory doesn't exist. The database for...