It use to show up ... but now it doesn't load
The Cpanel works fine ... it doesn't load anymore.
It's working now
^ sample ideas
I want to keep track of /Plays per day/total plays/total games/"add games"/Users online/Maybe Top 10 games.
WOuld like it in PHP ect.
I am offering points in the hundreds range.
If this is possible or not, please...
UserName: AllStar
Problem: When I upload my files with FTP(Using Smart FTP) the upload kinda.
Like you you go to my site and view source, I have upload my banner and site ect. But it does show up. Like should there be a url to it instead of...
For some reason my account dissapeared, but it says it exists
I talked to Nedren about this but hasnt responed in the last 2 weeks or so.¤t=95989022.swf
for some reason when I upload it I can't see it.
BTW: this is a simple and I mean simple project that I did for school. I am Just started taking classes for it.
Ok, I am trying to do a little PHP, Simple... OK.. I am trying to center my website (can you use <center></center>) or do you have to do something different for it to center the website. Because my website won't center with the html code.
OK, I am using FTP, and I am trying to add my ads and a new banner. I upload the files under the WWW folder. Its says transfered, and then I go to my site and nothing happens.
I was wondering if anyone here knows how to make flash games, I just wanted to know what was all involved. Like what programs/Languages ect that is needed to make flash games. And my a few good sites to learn from.
Thanks, A gamer
Does anybody own the xbox 360 or playec it. Because I was wondering if the Xbox 360 made the graphics on the xbox games better looking. I was just wondering if it was true or not.