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  1. W

    Email Registration broke when switching hosts. How do I fix this?

    My Pastor is the one who is getting the specific emails, so I really don't know for sure what peoples complaints are. When I try the system (i.e. send an email to I get the proper auto response email. I think others may not be getting the auto response email. The...
  2. W

    Email Registration broke when switching hosts. How do I fix this?

    I thought it would of shifted over when I updated the MX records through cPanel. cPanel -> Mail -> MX Entry. confirmed the MX records as well. How would I check if the email is hosted here, or how do I transfer the email to x10 hosting?
  3. W

    Email Registration broke when switching hosts. How do I fix this?

    I volunteered to upgrade the site for a conference that my church is hosting, but I couldn't use the same host it was on before I updated, so I am now hosting the site here on x10 hosting. The conference website is here: the site is functioning aside from the...
  4. W

    Totally Lost and Getting Server Errors: Parked Domains, Nameservers, and Main Domain

    Re: Totally Lost and Getting Server Errors: Parked Domains, Nameservers, and Main Dom Thank you so much! Everything is working the way it should now on my computer.
  5. W

    Totally Lost and Getting Server Errors: Parked Domains, Nameservers, and Main Domain

    Re: Totally Lost and Getting Server Errors: Parked Domains, Nameservers, and Main Dom Clearing my browser cache and history worked, I can view my site again, but even when I type into the address bar it changes itself to How do I get it to display...
  6. W

    Totally Lost and Getting Server Errors: Parked Domains, Nameservers, and Main Domain

    I was given permission by my pastor to modify the site a site for an upcoming conference my church is hosting. The domain was purchased on The person who originally made the site doesn't want me hosting it on their personal server, which is somewhere other...