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  1. W

    New Account?

    I was wondering if i could because i thought you would ban me from registering another account after being suspended! But it seems like i can so Thanks!
  2. W

    New Account?

    Can i register another account because this account has been suspended? I SOULY PROMISE That i will NEVER make the SAME mistake EVER again to get susended!
  3. W

    Php Script Help!

    I got another eregi error, please help me! All of the eregi in this snippet of the script is deprecated. //Open image list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image_tmp); if (eregi('\.jpg$', $image_tmp)){ $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_tmp); }else if...
  4. W

    Php Script Help!

    you can test out the mega file manager here: FlameUp you can test the error here by trying to email a file to someone (you can use fake details but the captcha has to be correct because it dosen't work anyway): Email File Music.jpg
  5. W

    Php Script Help!

    the full code can be found here:
  6. W

    Php Script Help!

    I've got this send file by e-mail script which is part of the mega file manager too, but it has another error: Warning: Division by zero in the error is on line 116 which is the line i coloured in red! The script is below (this is not the full script don't worry!): //Function to encrypt...
  7. W

    Php Script Help!

    it worked! it actually worked! THANK YOU descalzo! This post is now closed!
  8. W

    Php Script Help!

    I've got this script from a admin configuration from a mega file manager script. but i need help to fix the eregi is deprecated error! the eregi is located where i coloured it in red. Please help me! Thank You! The script below: <?php while($each_file =...
  9. W

    Mysql Error

    i've tried that but it came up with this error: Connecting to MySQL... FAILED: Access denied for user 'flameup_FlameUp'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ---------- actually!, it worked using what livewire said...
  10. W

    Mysql Error

    i try to connect to mysql but it says access denied for flameup@localhost (including password: yes) do i put the following: database server: localhost or databas name: flameup(my hosting username)_Login1(my database name) database username: (do i put the username...
  11. W

    Mysql Error

    I want to connect to mysql but it keeps saying it is access denied! i have made a database from the cpanel but it still won't let me connect. do i put the following details: the database host: localhost or the database name: flameup(myusername)_Login1(databasename) the...