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  1. T

    Account Data

    I am runinng Firefox on mac, [i didn't have this computer when that site was around] but i wasn't really talking about on my computer i was talk about like the fact that search engines cache sites and that site was cache on windows live search and i think google too. is there any way to see...
  2. T

    Account Data

    does anyone know anywhere that i can find cache of this site in history. like backdate ones from months ago?
  3. T

    Account Data

    i know you had backup from when you did server move or at lease corey gave them to me before any chance those are still around and could i get a copy of them?
  4. T

    Account Data

    Hello, I use to have a site hosted here like until a few months ago but i need some data off of it if possible cause my harrdrive in my local testing server here crashed and that the only place where i had those files. Basicly i just need a screen shot of what the site looked like Cpanel...
  5. T


    my site moved to Lotus.x10 (i don't know when) but now it is down Edit: it working again i dion't know what happend but it says server load is red.
  6. T

    Advanced PHP

    I am not really sure,
  7. T

    Advanced PHP

    it is Typo3 runing with Templavolia installed.
  8. T

    Advanced PHP

    Hello, I apply and got this back Your application for PHP v3 was denied. The reason stated is -"Do you know what it is doing with exec?" for what do i need to do? thanks
  9. T


    i was think about changing cms but does x10 have tomcat on our servers?
  10. T

    What happened to my site?

    What happened to my site? it has been down since the server issuse started never seen it back since. Domain: server: Stoli.x10 (i think)
  11. T

    What do you think of our bands website? so what do you think of the it. not a whole lot of content yet thought!