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  1. V

    Apache is functioning normally

    I attached the error I get when I try to access the CPanel (via the link you shared). I cleared my browser cache and have tried it in different browsers/incognito too. The retry link just kicks me out to the login page.
  2. V

    Apache is functioning normally

    Hi @Anna Thanks for the response. I'm able to log in now, but the CPanel won't load. Is there anything else I need to do?
  3. V

    Apache is functioning normally

    Looks like my account was also suspended due to inactivity (same as a few others here) - wasn't aware that was a thing. Any chance I can have it restored please? Will be better at logging in in future. Thanks
  4. V

    "Apache is functioning normally "

    I'm also having this issue
  5. V

    Is Illuminated down?

    I can't log in or view any of my sites! They all fail to load.
  6. V

    Illuminated problem

    I switched over to the Illuminated server from Chopin a couple of weeks ago and assumed the upgrade went fine since my blog has been running perfectly. However I logged into the portal earlier to find that I don't have a web hosting account anymore and was asked to register a new one. I don't...