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  1. S

    link accounts?

    No. We had a exceeded bandwidth warning right before the termination if that helps explain anything. The community doesn't seem pleased, I guess I will just have to change services.
  2. S

    link accounts?

    Yes, I did and the problem mysteriously fixed itself without explanation really.
  3. S

    link accounts?

    What.. is there any way to recover it? I couldn't unsuspend my account, I don't believe it was my fault. I didn't log in to the forum for two weeks, I got the suspension message. So I went to unsuspend and logged in. But it didn't unsuspend my account, I continually got the error and even when...
  4. S

    link accounts?

    I would have thought it was either slurkle, lareski or stickerminions. I don't use much else, the site was if that helps in any way.
  5. S

    link accounts?

    This is probably something really obvious, but my site has gone down and whenever I try and access it I get a Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server I had a running site before, and now when I try and access the cpanel it asks me to link accounts between my...