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  1. [6x9]

    can you unsuspend my site?

  2. [6x9]

    can you unsuspend my site? with all the server migration issues i got frustrated and neglected / hadn't logged into it in a while and it got suspended
  3. [6x9]

    Site down steadily for +/- a month

    Thanks for the quick response. Deleting index.htm fixed it. I should have asked a while ago but I figured it had to do with the server migration and was trying to be patient.
  4. [6x9]

    Site down steadily for +/- a month

    My sites been down for a while now. It has been down for various reasons, the latest being the server migration. Right now it is displaying a blank page. It's an SMF. I already cleared my cache & cookies.
  5. [6x9]

    Forum Profile error...

    Anyone else brought to someone else's profile when they click:
  6. [6x9]

    Forum Profile error...

    Whenever I click on "[6x9]" or "My Profile" I am brought to someone else's profile (someone named "ikki()"):
  7. [6x9]

    my site down

    I can think of a whole slew of things that are free but not necessarily good.
  8. [6x9]

    Database Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

    My website is still down. Now it's just blank. Any update on the status?
  9. [6x9]

    Database Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query Server: Lotus My site displays the following error: Database Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query File: /home/****/public_html/Sources/Security.php Line: 279Database Error: MySQL server has gone away File: /home/****/public_html/Sources/Load.php Line...
  10. [6x9]

    [In Porgress] Can't change my subdomain name...

    Ok, I've went through phpmyadmin and changed all the exofire references to pcriot. Now when I go to the page looks correct (all the graphics and such) but when I click on anything (boards, admin link, etc.) it tries to bring me to the exofire domain still and the page...
  11. [6x9]

    [In Porgress] Can't change my subdomain name...

    Thank you Anna. seems to be working but broken (as you said it isn't fully functional right now). All the links, graphics, boards, etc. on the site are still pointing to domain. I can't log in to the admin section to change the references because...
  12. [6x9]

    [In Porgress] Can't change my subdomain name...

    It's been 3 days... any update?
  13. [6x9]

    Again “HTTP 500 Internal Server Error” and

    Just wanted to chime in: I'm on Lotus and getting the same error.
  14. [6x9]

    500 Internal Server Error

    Ahhh ok. I didn't even check the date. I saw this topic was first on the list so I assumed it was today. I didn't realize it was bumped. Well are the Admins aware of today's issue and working to resolve it? Seems a lot of people on Lotus are re-experiencing this issue.
  15. [6x9]

    500 Internal Server Error

    I'm glad the Admins are aware of it and will have it solved soon because I'm getting the same error on Lotus.
  16. [6x9]

    SMF missing graphics

    The permissions were set to 0777. I changed them to 0755. Still couldn't access I checked my hot linking protection and I had some values in there from last year. Apparently it was blocking the graphics because once I cleared it, my...
  17. [6x9]

    SMF missing graphics

    I didn't install any themes. I'm using the default theme that comes with SMF. I tried it with the other two themes that came with it and no graphics show up. I also thought the install my have been corrupt somehow so I even tried uninstalling SMF and reinstalling it. Also, here's another...
  18. [6x9]

    SMF missing graphics

    Yes, they are installed.
  19. [6x9]

    SMF missing graphics
