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  1. Big John

    SecFilterEngine Off redundant?

    I've been getting a 500 error today which, by looking at the error log, I reckon was caused by the .htaccess file having the following two lines: SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off I have commented these two lines out for now. Should I reinstate them when the cossacks transfer is...
  2. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    Can you tell me if my CPanel login (I'm on cossacks) is just down temporarily, in connection with the transfer, or if there is a problem, how soon it will be up again? Many thanks John
  3. Big John

    Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons?

    Well, I tried sending to someone else on hotmail, and that hasn't been rejected, but I don't know if the address is valid. Waiting to hear. Do you think the message looked like spam, then? If so, how do I persuade MSN it's not?
  4. Big John

    Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons?

    Hi, I have tried sending an email like the one below 3 times today and had the same delivery failure report each time. I have also had several friends telling me that my email is being filtered into their Spam folder. Can you check if I am on a blacklist, or tell me how to do so, please? TIA...
  5. Big John

    Can't access part of my site

    My CPanel name is sleeboot In the last few minutes I have been getting messages like: Warning: ignore_user_abort() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/sleeboot/public_html/jcms/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/admin.comprofiler.controller.php on line 70 which prevent me...
  6. Big John

    x10Hosting Double Everything Special!

    I would like to increase my space, but am not sure if I can do so using the "double" offer, as ISTR I have already done so - once or twice: not sure. Can you tell me how I can increase my space atm, please? TIA John
  7. Big John

    Hi Blotto Brandon told me to create a .htaccess file in my public_html folder and type in (or...

    Hi Blotto Brandon told me to create a .htaccess file in my public_html folder and type in (or append to an existing .htacess file in my case): SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off It worked for me. Good luck!
  8. Big John

    Some pages not shown in full

    I use phpgedview for my genealogy, and as of today a couple of pages refuse to load everything. e.g. Is it possible that you have changed something that has caused this? I think this particular page may be quite...
  9. Big John

    New Error 406 problem

    Hi I've been using Gallery Remote to upload pictures to my gallery on for several weeks, and even uploaded one today. However, I'm now getting Error 406 each time I try. TechAsh said: I believe the 406 error is caused by some security settings that where changed to stop people...
  10. Big John

    Part Time Hosting?

    The amount of time that Cossacks hosting has been down is getting to the stage when I fear my users will give up visiting my site. Is this temporary? Should I transfer to one of your other servers that is up 100%? Are you aiming to provide a professional service, or do I move to a host that is?
  11. Big John

    Spam Assassin

    Hi Is it possible for me to have Spam Assassin on my Cpanel, please. The amount of spam I'm getting on a volume-limited connection is proving very expensive :-( Thanks
  12. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    Yes I can access my website again, and my cpanel on another computer on the network, but not this one. I've tried switching the firewall and AVG off, but that makes no difference. Any ideas what else I can do to isolate this problem, please? Edit: Having spent many hours on this, without...
  13. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    Not that I'm aware of. Mind you I have been running lots of programs to try and sort a virus, but AFAIK they're not running now. I've even tried switching off Windows Firewall, but that makes no difference. Will try again tomorrow Edit: Now I'm getting the "Welcome to SSL-Explorer! A secure...
  14. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    No. Only
  15. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    Afraid not.
  16. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    Not at the moment, Brandon
  17. Big John

    CPanel login not available

    Username: sleeboot I am trying to connect to my Cpanel by going to: but am getting NOTHING :-( I can access
  18. Big John

    Blank page running editconfig

    Hi When I try to run all I get is a blank page. I've had a look at the phpgedview forums and they suggest this might be due to the memory limit being set too low - requiring at least 32MB. Is that the reason and can you do anything...
  19. Big John

    Calling Corey - Cpanel login failed attempts

    Hi Corey I see you can manually change passwords. Is that what I need? I can't login as instructed in the original email. Username: sleeboot for TIA John