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  1. L

    I dont can create a new account

    Hello, i have a website in x10hosting, but this is disabled because inativity and i want create a new account, but your dont accept registrations from Brazil. What i can do?
  2. L

    error 500 on my host

    Have a 500 error in my host. What is this?
  3. L

    error 403

    My site sends html css and javascript on the server and saves them, but the server is not aceitanado <script> the tag and returns this error 403. Which is the problem?
  4. L

    403 error on send html data to server

    my website, is a online free code editor, and this send html css and js code on server.But, the server is return the 403 error.The server don't accepts the <script> tag .HELP PLEASE
  5. L

    I can install node.js on my server?

    Is possible install node.js on my server?
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    I can sell services on my site?

    I can sell services on my site?
  7. L

    I can use Open SSL?How i can use this?

    I can use Open SSL?How i can use this?
  8. L

    Error in my account cpanel

    In my cpanel : Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition. What is?
  9. L

    I can not use Cloud Flare.

    Hello, I am not consiguindo create an account with Cloud Flare, I already have an account but would like to create another site especially for my X10. Thank you in advance for help.
  10. L

    Domain not score runs.

    Hello, if I'm posting in the wrong place I'm sorry, I'm new here in the community. Come on, I created a free domain, and would like to set it up on my account X10 Hosting.I can even configure it, only appears the following page when I carry cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi...