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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    thanks again, caftpx10 and Dead-I
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    Hi Dead-I. I will do so immediately, but will begin to work automatically or do I need to do some processing?
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    Ok . You are very helpful. thank you very much
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    I think so. As I do to communicate my problem to a member of staff?
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    No, CPanel display message is Using Disk Space 2,38 GB / ∞
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    No. Maybe it's a cron running every 5 minutes, and generated almost 10,000 files. And eliminated, but the problem continues
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    You're right. what happens is that my application does not work - - and not allowed to upload files
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    "Disk quota exceeded"

    My site stopped working and leaves a message "Disk quota exceeded" . why ? thank you very much
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    another free account

    Hello, could tell me if I can open another free account? Because I live in Argentina and I may not even do it while I have an account. thank you very much
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    phpinfo ()

    Hello, two problems: Warning: phpinfo () has been disabled for security reasons. Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 96468992) (tried to allocate 7680 bytes) in /home/alexnerx/public_html/ on line 1656 these are the message in Moodle. In...
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    My sql server is offline on vox

    same thing happens to me.
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    limit remove

    Already a few months ago that I have an account on the hosting. I just installed moodle and built a virtual classroom where I interact with my students. I urge you to remove the limit. Excuse my English. thank you very much