The little image of the Habbo character appears on the login screen. Unfortunately, they encode it using a hash, so I have no I idea what the relations are between the images. If you look a page or so back, I made a post with two characters with links to two pictures each, one of the large, main character, and one of the small character.
The large character is found on the home page, just getting some text in between two tags. The smaller character is found on the little comment boards, meaning that it's unlikely that you'll find that character's mini-image on their page.
The waving character is shown on the top login bar, but the problem is that it's only when you log in, and that character, of course, is linked using a hash. The image isn't on that page for a guest, so you can't get to it anonymously.
Derek << Will I be able to get the points for fixing the script? I know it won't be immediate, but I would like to get the original amount of points offered.