OK, here better explained:
My site http://www.rebelsite.x10host.com/rebel
Yesterday I wanted add a file to my section of doom wads
Files transfered fine...
When I want enter to my folders on my site I get error 403 Forbbiden
There isn't any wrong with link. MY site Works, what don't work is Access to my folders and changes I make from FTP. How Can I fix that? IS URGENT
This is what appear me when I enter in one of my folders on my site:
My site http://www.rebelsite.x10host.com/rebel
Yesterday I wanted add a file to my section of doom wads
Files transfered fine...
When I want enter to my folders on my site I get error 403 Forbbiden
There isn't any wrong with link. MY site Works, what don't work is Access to my folders and changes I make from FTP. How Can I fix that? IS URGENT
This is what appear me when I enter in one of my folders on my site:

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