Excellent web site. Nice colors, great layout, et c. It seems very functional as well (I really liked the calendar). I would have used more CSS and less tables for the layout, but if it works why worry about it.
The 404 error mentioned in one of the earlier replies is because of a link error. On the Feedback (and on the Faculty) page, the Home tab in the menu links to index.html rather than index.php. It's easy to miss those things when you are re-working and updating your site.
The background below the menu column looks funny because it repeats so frequently. You might consider taking that image and modifing it with something like IrfanView (which is a free download; image editor/viewer). It is realatively easy to resize an abstract image like that changing its aspect ratio to make it a tall rectangle rather than a square. Then the image would not have to repeat as often.
With only ten images in the gallary, you might consider a simpler and faster solution like some available
HERE. I never got all of the images to completely load and thought the viewer that you used was a little slow. Whether you change or not, consider resizing the images so that the source jpg files are just the size that you want to display on the screen. They will load faster that way. Many of your images did not have the resolution to display well at full screen, so I would turn that option off and then optimize the size of the jpg's for the size you want displayed on the screen. MHO
Great site. It looks like you put a considerable amount of work into it. I could only find those few items that you might consider looking at (and they are largely a matter of opinion and personal preference).
I hope the school appreciates your efforts and talents.