Account suspension with no aparent reason

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It seems that there was an error with my hosting account today. It has been suspended for high system resource usage and I think it\'s not correct.
I have a unique environment with Wordpress 3.1.2 and Buddypress installed. It does not take 64 MB RAM. I have made no updates in the last days, no plugins uploaded, nothing at all. And today, just when entering the dashboard, I got a DB error message and the subsequent suspension.
Please, review if it was a correct suspension or a possible mistake.
Thanks a lot in advance.


Free Support Volunteer
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Your account is not currently suspended, so it appears that you figured out how to unsuspend it. Is this the first time this happened? If so, then it might have been a fluke just going by the DB error message you revealed that you had. If it happens again, let us know, and also post the DB error message in full so that we can help investigate it more thoroughly. For the first two times it happens, you can unsuspend yourself. For the third time, it might not give you the option to unsuspend, and so you'll need to ask us here to help manually unsuspend your account. High resource usage suspensions are not considered permanent, and we will work with you if it becomes a constant problem and you're willing to comply with the solutions to resolve the problem.


I Break Things
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It was not a mistake.

I have PM'd you a pastebin of some of the processes that were open that caused the suspension. You were using over 1 full CPU at one point in time.


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Thanks for the information.

I have seen the data and I can read that there was a peak of 106 cpu ussage in a moment. But I must say that I'm not a so technical person and I don't know the reason and how to fix it, if I can. Obviously, I don't want it to happen again.

It seems that there's no other user accesing the site at that moment, as the 6 process that are running come from my own external IP address. But the only thing I did was to access Wordpress Dashboard (wp-admin).

There were 6 processes but only 2 scripts were running /wp-admin/index.php and /wp-admin/index-extra.php, that are wordpress standard scripts. (I don't know why the scripts are running 3 times each one).

My installation is a learning project (for university studies) and it is a standard wordpress 3.1.2 and Buddypress 1.2.8 environment, with few plugins. None of them is a technical plugin to increase performance or any similar staff. Everything is very typical.

I installed the WP stats plugin but, as far as I know, it uses servers to track activity, instead of my own server, and connects just to show information.

So, do you have any idea of where the problem can be? Any clue? Tips about how avoid peaks in cpu usage in the future?

I will appreciate it very much, as this project is very important for me.

Thanks a lot and best regards
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