Ok try this username then: a5003551. my mistake check the attachement 'read_this.jpeg'
If you believe I am not the owner of the domain
http://rethorixx.pcriot.com than you're wrong. If you don't believe me (which I could understand) just send a mail to **themacdemo(at)hotmail.com then i can follow I kind of a confirmation link or something to reset that account. I just want to be able again to login using the controlpannel using my username a500500. All my files on that server may be gone. No problem. I have backup.
All i would like to see is the ability to login again using my username, password. I would also like to have the domainname back. Which is suspended now.
If you have the power to unsuspend that domain and link it to the username a500500 and link it back to the loginusername **themacdemo(at)hotmail.com** it would be great. I don't see a privacy issue here. I just gave you all the information you need to know I believe.
I just saw this message:
"Stoli and Chopin
Stoli and Chopin both have apparently locked up and stopped responding; staff have been notified to try and retrieve the cause and repair it.
We don't have an ETA on the fix at the moment, but we'll get it fixed as soon as is humanly possible. Thanks!
Posted June 24 at 11:31 pm"
could it have somthing todo with that ?
Sorry for my maybe impolite and bad english