All The Suspensions..

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I got many suspension notices such as: " You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts" ... yet I am barely using system resource according to the pie chart you have displayed in this control panel. I firmly believe this is due to the fact I have a wordpress blog which requires me to log in to post and occasionally modify settings therein and due to the logging in, your systems registers this as "high process amounts" but in no way means I actually have a high cpu usage . Please look into this and verify because the suspensions are annoying my site visitors making them think the site is not available.


I ate all of the x10Pizza
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Do you have any plug-ins installed onto Wordpress? Wordpress itself can be a pig, but the add-ons depending on how they are made can eat up a significant amount of resources too. Pay particularly close to any AJAX plug-ins. They can use up resources rather quickly.


Grim Squeaker
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I got many suspension notices such as: " You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts" ... yet I am barely using system resource according to the pie chart you have displayed in this control panel.

The pie charts show bandwidth and file usage. They do not show cpu usage or script memory usage (RAM).

It seems that the main culprit for such suspensions are WordPress blogs with plugins. If the plugin has to rewrite every URL in your blog or recreate a sitemap, that is a lot of computing going on (much of it is in database requests). Most of the plugin writers seem to assume that you are on a server by yourself, not sharing it with 10,000 other sites.


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The pie charts show bandwidth and file usage. They do not show cpu usage or script memory usage (RAM).

It seems that the main culprit for such suspensions are WordPress blogs with plugins. If the plugin has to rewrite every URL in your blog or recreate a sitemap, that is a lot of computing going on (much of it is in database requests). Most of the plugin writers seem to assume that you are on a server by yourself, not sharing it with 10,000 other sites.

This does make a bit of sense ... so I guess now my question is if I upgrade to the Static Premium hosting solution or the Hosting Upgrade solution will I still get these suspensions??
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Abuse Compliance Officer
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This does make a bit of sense ... so I guess now my question is if I upgrade to the Static Premium hosting solution will I still get these suspensions??

Depending on what is going sideways and using up too much, it's possible you could.

That said, paid's got higher limits:

* May not use more than 50% of available CPU resources for more than 120 seconds at a time.
* May not use more than 50% of available CPU resources for more than 5 minutes out of a 60 minute period.
* May not use more than 820MB of memory combined between processes
* May not have more than 10 processes running at any given time.

If you trip past any of those it'll still suspend, but that said it'd be a lot more difficult. Here's frees:

* 25% CPU
* 5% memory (eg 400 MB)
* 240 seconds of CPU time per hour
* 20 concurrent processes executing

Edit: You added the Hosting Upgrade Solution question while I was posting; that one will still cause suspensions because you stay on the free servers. The upgrade to premium static moves you to paid.
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Grim Squeaker
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This is from the log, one process using 86% of one CPU, there's more entries like this one in the log file as well.

From Anna, in another thread. That was a RSS feed script that a bot was slurping.


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Depending on what is going sideways and using up too much, it's possible you could.

That said, paid's got higher limits:

* May not use more than 50% of available CPU resources for more than 120 seconds at a time.
* May not use more than 50% of available CPU resources for more than 5 minutes out of a 60 minute period.
* May not use more than 820MB of memory combined between processes
* May not have more than 10 processes running at any given time.

If you trip past any of those it'll still suspend, but that said it'd be a lot more difficult. Here's frees:

* 25% CPU
* 5% memory (eg 400 MB)
* 240 seconds of CPU time per hour
* 20 concurrent processes executing

Edit: You added the Hosting Upgrade Solution question while I was posting; that one will still cause suspensions because you stay on the free servers. The upgrade to premium static moves you to paid.
The part of your response that I bold-marked may be the part that gets me considering your other remark regarding the WP plugin processes:rolleyes:


Abuse Compliance Officer
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The part of your response that I bold-marked may be the part that gets me considering your other remark regarding the WP plugin processes:rolleyes:

What was my other remark? I went back in my post history but the only one I can find was askign what the active plugins were; as far as I know all the plugins execute under one php process - the one loading the pages.

That said I know it's limited to 10 on paid and 20 on free, but with the decrease in users (and the hardware stays the same), the stuff executes that much quicker as well - that tends to mean there's not an issue with 10 concurrent processes running unless something's broke bad :)


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What was my other remark? I went back in my post history but the only one I can find was askign what the active plugins were; as far as I know all the plugins execute under one php process - the one loading the pages.

That said I know it's limited to 10 on paid and 20 on free, but with the decrease in users (and the hardware stays the same), the stuff executes that much quicker as well - that tends to mean there's not an issue with 10 concurrent processes running unless something's broke bad :)
My bad, I was actually referring to descalzo's prior remark:
t seems that the main culprit for such suspensions are WordPress blogs with plugins. If the plugin has to rewrite every URL in your blog or recreate a sitemap, that is a lot of computing going on (much of it is in database requests).
...but you did give me some seriously positive facts to consider:biggrin:
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Abuse Compliance Officer
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My bad, I was actually referring to descalzo's prior remark:...but you did give me some seriously positive facts to consider:biggrin:

IF it wasn't for the part about the # of viewers, I'dve already installed all the plugins you had and tested it on my own paid account (which is an /old/ paid 5.95 plan mind you, but the resource limits are the same).

The issue is I'm pretty much the only viewer who actually views the site, so it might work for me but epic-fail for you becasue you might have way more users than me XD

If you want me to try that anyways though lemme know; I took a full backup earlier in case you want me to try it.

Plus if it gets suspended, I can get it unsuspended quickly enough - paid's got the priority support stuff.

Edit quick note, I forgot to mention I'm heading to work soon so I won't be able to test it for about 5-6 hours, but i can still work on it overnight if you want; leave a reply letting me know if you want, cause I've got PM's disabled.

With the low visitor count it might not mean much but if it trips a suspension on my paid account with nearly no visitors, we know it'll trip it for yours :p
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Grim Squeaker
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1. The one script that Anna mentioned was located in 'shopping' ... is that part of the blog or part of a shopping cart?
2. Testing the plugins also has a problem in that you may not have the size of database that might cause problems (especially something like sitemap generation )


Abuse Compliance Officer
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1. The one script that Anna mentioned was located in 'shopping' ... is that part of the blog or part of a shopping cart?
2. Testing the plugins also has a problem in that you may not have the size of database that might cause problems (especially something like sitemap generation )

Oh I'm sure I can fix that. Basically just repeatedly-insert all the data I already have in there like 200 times. XD

Edit: Good point though, it may always fail if it gets absolutely huge :(
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New Member
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1. The one script that Anna mentioned was located in 'shopping' ... is that part of the blog or part of a shopping cart?
2. Testing the plugins also has a problem in that you may not have the size of database that might cause problems (especially something like sitemap generation )
I know for certain it wasn't part of any shopping cart...there is a triangular rss image on each of the Tip Pages of the root site at the bottom left corner where that script(s) was part of so to be safe I deleted all files containing this particular script and simply redirected the image link to the WezeeMall blog Suscribe to RSS link instead of that script...

@LiveWire: Go ahead and test if you believe it's safe enough to test and let me know your results:confused:


Abuse Compliance Officer
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I know for certain it wasn't part of any shopping cart...there is a triangular rss image on each of the Tip Pages of the root site at the bottom left corner where that script(s) was part of so to be safe I deleted all files containing this particular script and simply redirected the image link to the WezeeMall blog Suscribe to RSS link instead of that script...

@LiveWire: Go ahead and test if you believe it's safe enough to test and let me know your results:confused:

Not worried about "safe" that much to be honest, anything that breaks is fixable in a decent hurry on paid :)


Abuse Compliance Officer
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Aborting my testing cuase there are quite a few of the plugins that I've gone across so far that aren't tested (ensured compatible with) the latest WP - that could very well be the issue.

One for sure was Configurable Tag Cloud; I'd go through the list and see which ones aren't "up to latest" and disable them and see if that fixes the problem...


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Well, I did notice since:
..I did not get a suspension yesterday. Also, these same plugins which I've used before never caused problems with other blogs I once ran on Hostgator but I still await your results from going through the list.

Oops!It also just occurred to me that perhaps saying the word hostgator might be taboo on this forum:eek:
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