Another newbie here... I have a few questions. :)

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Firstly: is my URL. I don't actually have anything there right now, except maybe some random HTML named Viruses or something that I made fir fun once... It's not a real virus site, don't worry... Haha.

Anyway, I'm a newbie with a few questions. I chose this service because it was the only FREE service I could find that didn't limit the amount of pages I could have. It's useful to have an editor, but it's not worth having your pages limited as much as they do... Anyway, since I'm not an HTML expert (I know enough to actually build the site, don't worry), I have some easy questions. I searched around a bit in the knowledge base and around the forum, but I turned up nothing but how to upload files, which I can do. Problem is, I don't know what URL the actual file is stored on......

For instance, I have a script that accesses a certain file stored on my website and then plays it as a Java applet. I didn't make said code, I'm not that experienced. Anyway, it would be as simple as replacing the stand-in URL with the one that actually points to the file, but I can't find where it is to begin with!

Don't know a thing about FTP, don't care to try it (unless it can tell me exactly where it uploaded to...). I use cPanel's File Manager. In case it makes a difference, I'm on the "boru" server. So yeah, there's that.

Also, I'm having trouble figuring out how to edit the actual home page of the site... When I type in, I get some kind of page that says CGI or something, and then there are links to random things and a link to that one file I have in the Public HTML folder. How do I get my webpage to appear when I type in the address? Or at least get that page to redirect it to /index?

Uum, I think that's all I needed to ask for now. Meanwhile, I a total newb to this stuff, so if you start referencing things like "MySQL", "PHP" or other random initials, you will lose me from the word go. If you must say things about that, be prepared to let me know of a tutorial for it, because I don't know that first thing about that kinda stuff. I'm a super-n00b when it comes to websites and coding and stuff. I'm a nerd, but I'm not ready to lose my social life. XD Haha.


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I can answer one of your questions. Change the uppercase I in Index.htm so that it's index.htm. Your site will read it as an index file and take you straight to the index page instead of the directory listing. x10hosting's servers are linux servers so they read files as case sensitive, such as the following are read as completely different files: index.htm, Index.htm, and index.HTM. It's usually best for organization in these types of servers to keep all file names as lowercase letters to prevent any confusion.
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DERP. It was so simple, yet I would've never known. XD Thanks. Unfortunately, that's not my main problem...

Can anyone give me an example of what a download link might look like? For instance, maybe: or something like that? I just want to know where I can find that kind of thing, because I need to know that information... Thanks.

EDIT: I've come across another problem... Whenever I try to add a hyperlink, my site automatically wants to add the to the front of it. I wanted to link to an external site, but I guess it doesn't want me to. I originally used the <A HREF="*"> code, but that didn't work, so I tried using the Hyperlink maker in the HTML editor, but that has the same problem. How do I make it stop doing that!? Thanks again.
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I Break Things
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External Link:
<a href="">Link to file</a>

Local Link:
<a href="">Link to file on your own site</a>


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Holy. Junk. Nuggets. It's seriously that simple? If that fixes my problem, I'm going to be beating myself up over it for a week. XD Thanks a lot, I'm trying it right now. :)

EDIT: Well, it worked perfectly, and I am in the process of beating myself up right now. Haha! I should really find an online tutorial for HTML or something...

Anyway, thanks again. I can finally begin working on my website!
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