anyone interested in an rpg in development??


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ok, so I'm just curious, but would anyone be interested in an rpg that me and a buddy of mine are developing??

it is a bare roots rpg, or one of the original hack-n-slash versions, however, for now there will not be any graphics due to the fact that I have just started to RE-learn the language, or the next version, that we were working in... we went from vb6 and now I am, unfortunately for now I am the only one, whom is learning, and rebuilding from the ground up the rpg in

right now there isn't a very good version available, and more or less there is only a pre-alpha version that is available for download in the downloads section of the forum... but due to the fact that I am, and have been a DIE-hard rpg fan, ever since I found my first rpg, there are a lot of plans that we have for this game, and if you go to the "mutual companies" board and then the ashes of redemption sub board, you can read about the features that we plan on adding... if you are interested, you can download our proof of concept pre-alpha version, but unforunately about all you can do from that is to test some of the games systems through the tester tools page of the app... if you want to do that, simply type "test" in the chat box of the game window... but what we do have so far that you can test is to see what some of the various systems that will be and "are" incorporated into the game thus far...

anyways, if you all are interested, then please stop by my forum, download the pre-alpha proof of concept version, and if you like, drop us a comment... however, I do not know for sure if you are able to download the program without registering an account... I have not tried doing so, so if all you want is to download a version of it for testing, and dont want an account, then go ahead and register, and delete your account after words, and if you cant figure out how to do that, then leave it inactive, and I'll delete it after some time...

thanks for anyone interested... but it runs on the .net platform, so its a windows only app, and it requires the .net 4.0 version...

please, let me know what you think of it if you do try it out...

wow... I forgot to include the link to my site
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