Just wondering if anybody out there would like to review my site! I just moved it back to my favorite webhost here a few days back, and phpmyadmin broke so I can't restore my databases, so until PHPMA is back, the Soldier's Zone and Forums should be left out of your review. Also, the News Feed on the home page, and the calendar on the right navbar should be left out until PHPMA is back.
I will +rep if you give a detailed review of my website.
Just wondering if anybody out there would like to review my site! I just moved it back to my favorite webhost here a few days back, and phpmyadmin broke so I can't restore my databases, so until PHPMA is back, the Soldier's Zone and Forums should be left out of your review. Also, the News Feed on the home page, and the calendar on the right navbar should be left out until PHPMA is back.
- Make a good banner
- Fill the black hole at the top of the site
- find people willing to sponsor us with anything possible
- Forums & Soldier's Zone DB's
I will +rep if you give a detailed review of my website.