Battle of the Browsers

Which Browser Is Best?

  • Firefox 2

    Votes: 11 4.4%
  • Firefox 3

    Votes: 155 61.8%
  • Opera

    Votes: 26 10.4%
  • Safari

    Votes: 13 5.2%
  • Flock

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • Chrome

    Votes: 31 12.4%

  • Total voters


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Chrome and FireFox are faster but Opera is faster and it does not crashes,
OPERA is best browser and Who doesn't agree to this fact have not tried it , So try and then comment.

Opera is clearly not faster.
Especially with the recent optimization race within the open source browsers sparked by Chrome's V8.

Read my former comment. Opera is a detriment to the web. You've been drinking too much of Opera's kool-aid.


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I used to use Flock, but its really only if you are an avid facebook user, and really are the biggest socialite ever known, but a couple of simple add-ons in firefox 3 will make firefox the same. I chose firefox especially for its speed and power, because of add-ons that have a large community base, people seem to develop for it, and it always grows.


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If you ask me it's Safari without question, it is equally, if not more, reliable than Firefox, and I find it much more down to earth, with now huge shiny buttons which eat resources, and everything is just where you expect it. As well as the fact that it renders pages noticeably faster than any other browser I've tried.

Admittedly I haven't tried Chrome, so if anyone can prove to me that it's even faster I may be converted :p
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For regular desktop computing, I prefer FireFox 3 -- I'm constantly amazed at how flexible it is, with all the really great plug-ins people have written for it and hand out freely. While IE has a few plug-ins, it's night and day compared to FF3!

That being said, for "basic" web surfing I don't really dislike IE or Opera... they get the job done, and unfortunately every now and then you're forced to use IE because some web site uses some proprietary tags that FF and other web browsers don't render properly. :-(



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I was very impressed with Flock when I tested it,
But I found it wasn't what I was seeking in a browser.

I've been using FF3.0 since release,
I couldn't survive without half of the addons I have installed.
It's an amazing browser.
And, Customisation is a key factor for me. :biggrin:

I loved some features from Opera,
Mainly the Magic Wand and Speed Dial...
(Good thing someone created plugins to emulate such features in FF ;))

Internet Explorer... I don't even want to go there.
The IE 8 Beta is practically unusable,
Although, when released, it'll hopefully promote more standardised websites to be created. =]

I'm sure it's great on OSX,
exactly what Mac users need... :biggrin:

I think Konqueror needs a mention, I was impressed by how lightweight the browser was,
Even if it had a very poor rendering engine, :ugh:
And I do love KDE :biggrin:
And Konqueror makes a better file manager than Dolphin.

Not a fan if I'm honest,
Seems overly heavy in how it operates.
And seems to crash a fair bit,
(Well, individual tabs do...)

Forced to use IE because some web site uses some proprietary tags that FF and other web browsers don't render properly. :-(

I don't recall having to do that in several years,
esp not after the release of FF2.0 :yumyum:

Now playing: Hoobastank - My Turn


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i prefer ff3 because of all the add-ons and extra security over the other unmentionable web browser. now to convince my family to swich, especially when microsoft lets viri in all the time


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I don't know what I'd do without Opera. It has been so great and is fast and light-weight. Not bloated or a resource hog like Firefox. While Firefox has excellent 3rd party plugins, Opera has been great out of the box.

Not to mention Opera is great in the standards compliance department and that validator option on the right click menu, just grand for building websites! The newest Opera even passes Acid3 100%.

The thing that pisses me off about Firefox is the proprietary crap they add on for things like CSS. It's a real pain to see websites that are broken because the web devs use Firefox for building their website and it's not valid HTML or CSS. Even when when sending XHTML pages as xml, Opera gives you a nice message telling you that it is not well-formed and tells you where the error is and gives you the option to view as HTML, Firefox just breaks down. Another problem with Firefox is that it forces it's own user style sheet if the author did not specify, unfortunately many website devs fail to take care of that issue with firefox. Firefox is clearly detrimental to the website development process.

Don't get me wrong, Firefox is very wonderful in other areas with plugins and a browser for the features aficionado and all that stuff people like to tack on. The statistics speak for themselves, Opera barely gets a piece of the pie. I've seen some very good ones around, but for building websites, I'm sticking with Opera. If it looks right in Opera, chances are it'll look the same for the other browsers.

Oh, and one small thing I love about Opera is the way I can place all the buttons anywhere I want. For example, right now my address bar is in the status bar and the back/forward/reload buttons are on the tab bar. Absolutely minimalistic! But that's just a matter of personal preference, nothing to put against other browsers.
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I use Firefox 3 now but when the extensions for Chrome come i will use Chrome.


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Opera all the way for me. I use a lot of browsers to check any web design I do so I've used quite a lot of them. Never used flock though.

For me Opera is the best mix of the speed of chrome and functions. Love the speed dial on the front page and the mouse gestures that lets me flick between pages. Its just really nice and easy to use and pretty much all firefox plugins work on it.


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I should probably retract a little bit what I said about Opera. "Detriment" may have been a bit too strong. Especially with their complaint to the EU, even if the timing was clearly off. At least they're trying.

But, the point still stands. A proprietary browser with a different layout engine. Not open source to benefit the community, and a layout engine that has to be accounted for. Nor are they introducing new features that push the web forward.

It has been so great and is fast and light-weight. Not bloated or a resource hog like Firefox. While Firefox has excellent 3rd party plugins, Opera has been great out of the box.
Clean install Firefox is not much worse than Opera in resource usage. Also, fast != light-weight. Using less memory does not imply that it is faster.
If you want fast, Chrome has it.
If you want resource friendly, Seamonkey or K-Meleon has it. And tellingly, few use or care about these browsers. But at least these use the Gecko engine, so it's fine.

Not to mention Opera is great in the standards compliance department and that validator option on the right click menu, just grand for building websites! The newest Opera even passes Acid3 100%.
Great, a browser that implements the newest standards... that nobody else has implemented yet. Might as well be proprietary. How many people use Opera vs IE or even Firefox again?
And to make matters worse, nobody can see Opera's implementation, because it's proprietary.

The thing that pisses me off about Firefox is the proprietary crap they add on for things like CSS. It's a real pain to see websites that are broken because the web devs use Firefox for building their website and it's not valid HTML or CSS.
Shenanigans. As if people would take a web site that only supports Firefox seriously.

Besides, vendor-specific CSS extensions were a necessity way back when. Opacity is a good example. They help to move the web world forward, as well as allow browsers to stay competitive.
Opera only recently phased away their proprietary extensions. Kudos to them, but nobody's looking. This also makes it easier for them, precisely because nobody is looking enough to care.

If it looks right in Opera, chances are it'll look the same for the other browsers.
Notice something about the text?


I ate all of the x10Pizza
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I can vouch for the small is not faster idea. Bad example, but take the PSP browser. It's only 5-6MB big but yet the browser sucks! It's very slow and hates pages larger than 1MB big.


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I m a diehard fan of opera due to the following reasons---

1.highly stable
2.very secure all in one option including mail etc.
4.Speed is good and i beleive it is the fastest among all browsers
5.i love synchronization as i also use opera mini on my cellphone and also it helps me during the reinstalls as i do not need to worry about backing up anything.
6.widgets feature is really cool.u can get a whole lot of tools like games,nifty apps etc.
7.Looks really cool in appearance and can be customized easily
8.mouse gestures
9.voice support
10.well organized history,bookmarks etc.

Has anyone used opera 10 alpha?i m using it now and find it to be faster and stable as any normal release.

i also use chrome and flock for some sites who r incompatible with opera.for ex. google chat isnt available on opera.:mad:only use int. explorer for some sites who hear nothing except my order of preference is



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I use Opera .It eats less RAM and its caching decreases my daily bandwidth usage
but Firefox would still be the better one in my opinion for its overall features Fast,secure,cross platform, and the huge number of useful addons available


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Clean install Firefox is not much worse than Opera in resource usage.

No one uses Firefox without plugins, so your point is moot.

Firefox out-of-the-box offers NOTHING. Opera does out-of-the-box does everything that would require a Firefox user to install dozens of plugins just to do the same things that Opera can do. Whenever I enumerate the features that come standard with Opera, Firefox users always reply to me with a list of plugins.

You can blindly follow the banner of "Open Source" simply because all the cool kids are doing it, but the point stands that if anything, closed source has made Opera as great as it is. It is quick and streamlined, unlike Firefox which requires a myriad of plugins that create an incredibly bloated application that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Whenever people want to tell you how great Firefox is, they are quick to cite the great library of plugins, oblivious to the fact that Opera has most of those things right out-of-the-box. But at the sametime, I have absolutely no problem with people who use Firefox. My problem is Firefox users who got carried away with their anti-IE campaign and suddenly the fanboys are now telling people that all the browsers suck except Firefox. It used to be that IE sucked and anything else was better, but they have lost their ways.


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No one uses Firefox without plugins, so your point is moot.
Firefox out-of-the-box offers NOTHING.
Why exactly is my point moot? Which "features" do the casual browser users care about? In the same veins, nobody uses Opera, so I guess your point is moot as well?

Whenever I enumerate the features that come standard with Opera, Firefox users always reply to me with a list of plugins.
Choice through plug-ins is hailed by most as Firefox's strength. I neither agree nor care about this. It's a matter of personal preference anyways. But if a majority like this flexibility, great.

There are some plug-ins that have made my work easier that aren't available to Opera. I wouldn't claim that this makes it better, because this probably only applies to 1% of the user base.

You can blindly follow the banner of "Open Source" simply because all the cool kids are doing it, but the point stands that if anything, closed source has made Opera as great as it is.
I thought I was quite clear but I'll try to keep to simple words this time:
We don't need a layout engine (read: head-ache) that nobody else in the browser community can improve or benefit from. Even less one with a sub par user base of loud fanboys.

As to the rest of your post, I would point out your "fanboy" hypocrisy. You have done the same as what you accuse your FF counterparts of doing.


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Well, one thing is the best and other the one that you uses.

I like Firefox in the firsts versions, when nobody know him, it was simple, very light, secure, etc. But now "jump, scream, dance" before start, now is heavy.

I use Firefox 3, wich is better than Firefox 2 in memory manage[even in 128MB RAM], and keeps a copy of my Firebird 7... and... now days Firebird keep rendering almost all the websites very good.

Buuut, i think the better is Opera, is the really inovator [tabs, speed-dial, search included], and use only standards. And this last feature is a problem, because almost all the sites don't use standrads [gmail, hotmail, gamespot, etc.].


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Looks like FireFox3 leads the polls by a large majority, well at least on this forum. :)

Am using IE7, chrome, FireFox3. Most frequently used is Fx3 because of the add-ons. Have to use IE7 for somesites which require it like when having online meetings. Tried chrome but nothing really that different from Firefox. All talk about security but so far have not noticed the difference.

But the really interesting discussion that's on going is the Opera vs Firefox. Didn't realise there were such strong opinions. Why have I not used Opera? Doesn't seem to be metioned much among the forums. Well maybe should check it out. Will download it and see how much faster it is from Firefox.

Keep up the interesting debate :D


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FF3 rocks!
And does chrome support urls without www?
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FYI, if you want lightweight rather than flexibility, there are many other browsers using the Gecko engine that fit this bill. One of them, K-Meleon, is able to use some Firefox add-ons and most Add-ons can be ported (with some work).

Buuut, i think the better is Opera, is the really inovator [tabs, speed-dial, search included],
That is misinformation, Opera is not the innovator of any of those things.
Netcaptor is the real innovator of the tabs. Mozilla got the idea from them.

Opera innovated the search bar? Seriously doubtful. Even so, I don't see how that counts as innovative. Integrating the search bar into common applications was being done already.

Websplit (defunct) was the first for "speed dial". Additionally, it's too early to say it's innovative. We will see its culmination only after it is put in by default in Firefox. It is my opinion that Chrome's slick implementation will end up being closer to the de facto. Who cares about binding a number, and who wants to manually configure each one? You mind explaining that to grandma?