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I cleared my Firefox cache, and they work for me now. Clear yours to see if this resolves your issue.

Firefire users must have 'Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant' installed as an add-on for ClickOnce apps to deploy successfully, but you know Microsoft, most users will have this already. Without it installed, I think Firefox simply downloads the application rather than download/install/launch it. Just be aware of this.

All .Net applications require the .Net framework to be installed on the client machine, including ClickOnce deployed apps. What you are giving your users is your application (.application); this requires the .net framework. So, no .net = no app.

The way around this is to produce the bootstrapper 'setup.exe' in your project, which will check to see if your specified prerequisites are installed on the clients machine, and install them if they are missing. The Setup.exe you will produce is not a .net executable, so does not require the .net framework to run.

I'm assuming you're using visual studio to manage you deployment, in Project Properties/Publish, simply hit the 'Prerequisites' button and create the setup project from there, ensuring you target the correct version of the framework for your application.

When you rebuild, the new publish.htm should now contain a link to both the .application (for those with the framework/dependancies already installed), and the new setup.exe (for those that don't, or those who are unsure).

Also, in your very next build, I would suggest you change 'Microsoft' as the publisher of your software; they're not, you are. Put your name, or your domain name or anything else...

To answer your question, ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology, so therefore things aren't made easy for other operating systems. .Net applications can run on lynux/mac under the following conditions:
  • The Mono Project must be installed on the client machine, instead of the .Net framework. This is an opensource .Net implementation
  • Your project may only target dll's supported by Mono, mainly those in version 2.0 of the framework, and some 3.5 stuff.
Nice work on the applications themselves. I can see your C++ to C# conversion process has taken a few liberties... A chess engine is an ambitious project. Good stuff. :cool:

Thanks a million. I wish MSDN support pages were as easy to read as your post. I've read a lot of what you just posted in the last 24 hours but I'm not sure any of it was all that clear (Mono, Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant were definitely on pages I browsed).

I cleared my cache in Firefox and ran it successfully. Thanks.

Yes, I'm currently using MS Visual Studio 2005.

I probably won't actually code a chess engine. It would be an interesting project but ultimately I don't think I'd do a better job than what is already out there (Fritz, Crafty, and several others). Fguy64 informed me that if I modify my code to follow existing chess programming conventions then I'll be able to incorporate any public chess engines that follow those same conventions. That project seems like a better use of my time.

One more question for you. I've looked at for the answer and I understood that on the warning popup it will always read Publisher: Unknown unless I purchase a certificate (which I'm not). Is this true?

I know the actual .htm page says Microsoft is the publisher and that'll get changed when I create a full working webpage. I won't be keeping the generic .htm files.

Hue Kares

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Thanks a million. I wish MSDN support pages were as easy to read as your post. I've read a lot of what you just posted in the last 24 hours but I'm not sure any of it was all that clear (Mono, Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant were definitely on pages I browsed).

Thank you for your kind words. The pleasure is mine. Anyone looks good compared to MSDN though - they make make my heart sink nearly every time!

I was sure you were doing your research, which is why I replyed - you don't get to learn C++ without looking up a thing or two, right? I look out for .net posts, and I try to add appropiate links to my posts not only to help the OP, but to help new readers too. This is a good habit.

One more question for you. I've looked at for the answer and I understood that on the warning popup it will always read Publisher: Unknown unless I purchase a certificate (which I'm not). Is this true?

From what I remember, yes I'm afraid so. Another reason to use a different (ie non .net) installer technology at some point, no? I promise, it's not as painful as you may imagine.

Cheers man, good luck.