It sickens me how 360 is winning,
Considering your name is "wii legend" I'm can't say I'm surprised. :biggrin:
[...] it's just a dumbed down PC [...]
Well its not really fair to single out the Xbox 360 on that. What
ALL games consoles are is dumbed down PCs. Specialised, stripped out chips, non-upgradeable, often with no OS of its own (the last gen is a little bit of an anomaly in that respect).
You can't say thats a strike against the 360 only. It just illogical.
Now, you could argue that the original Xbox was just a dumbed down PC because, well, it was.
It used standard intel and nVidia chips, standard 3.5" HDD, standard DVD drive. And, believe it or not, a customised version of the Windows 98 for its operating system.
The current gen consoles all have specially made chips, custom OSs and swanky cases.
The ps3 is like a better version of the 360 in every way.
-$50 more
More expensive automatically makes it better? You might as well get a $5000 PC.
Simply not true. You're just buying into the Sony hype machine.
Debateable. I know of many people that would say the 360s controller is more precise, and far more comfortable than the 10 year old design of the dual Shock.
Again. Not true. There are a handful of exclusives on the PS3 side, but more than a 100 games on 360 that the PS3 simply does not have.
The wii has so much potentional however Nintendo is too stupid to live up to it. I would've buy it $50 more for better graphics, I would pay $20 for a headset, I would pay an extra $20 to get rid of stupid friend codes for every freaking game.
Erm, you've already argued with yourself. Graphics, sound aren't great, no in-game voip, annoying, difficult to use, and poorly implemented online etc.
It has around 50GB of storage on it's Blu-Ray disks meaning nothing can beat its graphics or sound.
*buzzed* Wrong.
The ability to store large amounts of data does not equal the ability to play back said data.
All the data used in games is highly compressed. Its compressed to keep the loading times a bit lower, while still retaining a similar level of quality.
ALL consoles do this. Not to compress your data would lead to it not only taking up a ridiculously long time to load, but also taking up far too much of your available RAM space.
Heres a fact for you: The PS3 has the
same amount of total RAM as the 360 does.
Actually even thats not true, the 360 has 10MB more specifically for frame buffering, so we can discount that.
Unless you're going to argue that the Cell's marginal performance lead over the Xenon means that the developers can use more advanced audio codecs to get higher quality audio that still fits on the RAM....
But then the whole "ZOMG 50GB of space!" is kinda discounted is it not?
Its the same with textures and poly-nets: They're very highly compressed.
So, in any one place you're simply
NOT going to get better graphics and audio.
Never mind the fact that the 360s GPU, the Xenos, is better than PS3s RSX. As I believe I've said before.
So, what? You're going to argue that this allows developers to put larger, longer games on PS3 as opposed to xbox 360?
Again. Not true. Multi-disc games have happened in the past, within the last year on Xbox 360 (Blue Dragon).
Also, with current-gen development being a lot more costly than last gens, particularly in the Art and design departments which is what you need to expand to have more content, do you honestly think said developers are going to invest that much money into a game that is only going to come out on the least popular current-gen console?
DVDs are dirt-cheap to manufacture now. Theres absolutely no reason to assume that games in the next 3 or 4 years won't come out on single blu-ray for the PS3 and multi-DVD for the Xbox 360.
IF that happens, and I actually doubt that it will; developers will simply invest in better compression techniques, it will only be on a small number of games.
1 out of 20 or 30 games you may buy being multi-disc is hardly a great inconvinience.
Has a large HD for storing music, movies and pictures.
If storage matters to you, you can very easily purchase the so-called "Elite" version of the Xbox 360 which has a 120GB harddrive. And the standard one (premium, pro, whatever) will be 60GB soon.
Also, if you have a networked PC, you can store all your non-game media on there and stream it. As you can, I believe, with the PS3; its moot.