well prolly you are right, but generally sorry to say but the question is, free or not a downtime of 3 days and no explanation, errors related on db and totally disappearing appearing and disappearing of the db, can't give to any person (ANY!) the "safety" that one day this issue can't happen again.
Your is a clever answer, but i just ask to you: anyone must find some site (family friends or a simple forum with few people) that don't care with a minimum sla, are happy that they found 3 days of downtime? No i don't think so... for the site that the "SLA don't' care" too!
If somebody want to upgrade on premium, can avoid of this issues? Well i read that all people have same issue (premium too) so if i buy a premium (and trust me compared with paid hosting isn't cheap) i have strange feeling that don't change nothing!
some rules related to server-side production and SLA service is for "all":
1) never never change php.ini configuration before testing in pre-production server!
2) if you do change never do that for days and days (if people use cms) and you support cms!
3) see a downtime of main server (it happen on mainsite x10) is not good advertisment for all (paid and free hosting)
4) never modify apache configuration (or any web server daemon configuration) without check in test server or a servers with low users
because such you see websites point randomless page (that's' happen IMHO)
5) instead simply ignoring what happened in this days to x10 maybe is good if the hoster offer some free services that recieved worst downtime (that' dont cost nothing to provider) i dont know a subdomain a some free tickets (with high sla) for free hosting people too... marketing in this case don't do a good job that they paid for...
first rule: people angry, is people that say bye bye, paid or free!
cybernetic if i use a free space this don't mean that i am dumb, or don't know nothing about provider services! Sometimes happen that to other side of the account you find someone that know what mean do providing-hosting services!
i choose this service because i cleary see the differences with others (i recognized that) on answer time of the server and some good services such ticket, but if you give good speedy site, and good ticket but a site that go down for days and no answer to ticket when this site is down... well trust me premium or not i should say sorry but "bye bye"
Just MY 5 cents opinion? If you don't believe about my experience? Well to simple end user opinion look like a mess, IMHO instead if you ask what "prisoner x10 user" engineer think (in the experience to provider side) it look like a mess too!
---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------
ah at moment my site don't required a premium hosting service (if anyway i have 600 readers in first week of opening) maybe in future, but is site news so... i pay for give free service to people.
is a pity that x10 don't understand that i do ads for provider too!
"look this provider is good" prolly they don't care! ah well!
Some people choosing free hosting for other motivations: censorship and so on... if i like some (i f*ck your privacy and censoring you) simply i use blogger.com and that's all
In my case this "joke" it cost me 2 days of data recovery to another provider. Well Thanks a lot! In my "no life" of an IT engineer i never see something like that trust me.
If i am a head tech engineer of x10... explained or not for me after that someone should prepare the paper box for go to home forever!
Something like that i never see in my entire life (the junior engineers with no experience too have more wariness to do that!)
Personal remark: Actually internet is under attack to privacy related problems and censorship: take a look to youtube (in one week 150k users banned!) and trust me paid hosting or not if you publish irritating news related privacy and censorship you are out!
Ah P.p.s Cyber a adf.ly banner (a famous ads spammer) don't look good in your signature trust me!