Can you Believe On this


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Hi dhruv227, welcome back to X10 !

Personally, I think the photos come from at least 2 countries (judging by the woman sorting the bottles).

There are several countries that richer western countries (including here in the UK, I'm ashamed to say) actually export their excess waste to for recycling, rather than doing it all themselves. And there are several countries poor enough to want it. Of course, this waste may be just their home-produced waste, though I doubt it.

Either way, water is presumably being used to transport it, though I don't know why it is under peoples homes in 1 photo - perhaps they have had a flood or more likely, live on a river bank? Unlike over here in the West where mainly machines do it, sorting by hand is quite common over there - the small income they earn for doing it is enough to survive by.

The worst sort of exporting of waste which doesn't appear to illustrated, though, is that of toxic waste. For example, items with electronics in them such as computers & monitors are recycled in poorer countries with no proper safety regulation in place to protect them. So the stripping, burning & melting down of these items is releasing lead & other toxic substances into their environment. Children are often a part of this unfortunate workforce.

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Welcome back dhruv227.... unfortunately I can believe those photos.....we in the western world have no idea how hard it is to survive in one of the so called "third world" countries. The problem is that it is the western world that has created all these "convienevce" products that are slowly (or not so slowly) killing our planet. I agree that they are from at least two different countries.
As for the post
this story was widly reported (at least here in the Canadian media) on May the 27th /09
The incident , which happend in Dec. /08 in Florida, was published by the man's Dr in a medical journal relating to cancer treatment. The reason that the Dr went public with this story was to inform other Dr's who had patients on the drug, capecitabine, which is commonly used to treat cancers in the head and neck, breast, stomach and colorectum, that patients who expect to travel should make sure that they have a letter from thier Dr stateing that they are on that cemo therapy drug.
We shouldn't have to ask the poster to "verify" the authanticity of a post....a simple google search would have found the answer.


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digitalimages, I agree with everything you said up until the last line.

You should always quote sources, even if you don't know that source's source. If one is reading a reputable journal that one trusts to have checked its sources & done thorough research, it might be less necessary to know their source. But in forums such as this when you don't know anything about the poster, there is little point in reading a news story from them if it is completely made up. It can easily be used as a way to spread political propaganda, or dangerous rumours. It has also been used by con-men to manipulate the stock market illegally & make themselves lots of money.

Also, Google searches often only throw up posts from equally anonymous people in other forums. In fact, the post which started this thread, for example, was only a re-post from another anonymous poster in another forum. And please tell me, digitalimages, how you do a Google search for images? - that is all dhruv227 posted here. So where did they originally come from, other than the forum which I tracked down by other means? Please tell me.
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i am back
i know which country is it but won't disclose it.
@ichwar - please don't read my posts, you don't understand the true meaning behind these pictures.
Obviously I don't understand. And you don't seem to be willing to explain either.

And the by the way i was not banned from posts without the sources i was banned for Spamming. I had posted some post around a month earlier ( Ten most creative bras ) someone mod found it and infracted me or someone found it and reported and then i got refracted. since i already had 20 infraction points earlier the addition of +5 points made me banned for some days.
I found and reported it.

it feels good to be back.
It's good to have you back! :biggrin:
Happy non-spamming. Come join the fun.


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I feel bad that there is anything in the world I live in that looks like this, but I don't understand why you are starting all these threads.

If you made a thread like "Please help me raise awareness to fix this problem" with these pictures and some of your own content, I think you would get a lot of support. Well, good luck with whatever you're trying to do.


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@ zen-r...if you check my post you will see that when I mentioned a google search I was refering to dhruv227's other thread that was questioned.... and by some given no credablity...
and I did try to do a search for images like the ones posted in this thread and was unsucessful in finding anything similar.....:sad: although I believe that they are either from India or Bangladesh
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That's what I meant - there is no way to search for specific images. Hence, even more reason to quote one's source.

You actually said "We shouldn't have to ask the poster to "verify" the authanticity of a post" - & didn't appear to be referring to any specific post. Either way, we shouldn't have to keep Googling to find out where some story might have come from - the poster should tell us. :) In fact, if dhruv227 has to keep making these posts, why doesn't he just post the links to the source? No need for the content to be repeated here.

I'm wondering if it's perhaps just a way to build up his X10 credits? (longer posts = more credits)?
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Obviously I don't understand. And you don't seem to be willing to explain either.

the meaning is for you to understand. if u don't understand it's probably you don't have a heart and don't care for the poor. you are tooo happy being rich.
@ zen-r...if you check my post you will see that when I mentioned a google search I was refering to dhruv227's other thread that was questioned.... and by some given no credablity...
and I did try to do a search for images like the ones posted in this thread and was unsucessful in finding anything similar.....:sad: although I believe that they are either from India or Bangladesh

why India or Bangladesh, it can be Pakistan or Some African Country Or any other third world country. Why do you people only consider India or Bangladesh if u see such pics.
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If you know the original country but choose not to disclose it, then we've got an issue - it could be a town in the USA, it could be some 3rd world country, it could be Russia, Europe, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Australia, Iraq, or any of the numerous others I haven't mentioned.

If you KNOW the source of the image as well as the country, post it. Keeping the information private so you can post stuff like
the meaning is for you to understand. if u don't understand it's probably you don't have a heart and don't care for the poor. you are tooo happy being rich.

why India or Bangladesh, it can be Pakistan or Some African Country Or any other third world country. Why do you people only consider India or Bangladesh if u see such pics.

boils down to trying to put all of those currently involved in the discussion in a bad light because we apparently aren't familiar enough with the countless stacks of similar pictures from all over the globe to recognize the time and location those pictures were actually taken.

Quite honestly I'm not sure of anyone whose able to peg the time/location of a picture if I were to pull one out of 10 of my photo albums and say "When and where was this taken?" They might get the where if there's identifying landmarks, but if it's a picture of someone in a wooded area? With no signs or anything that can narrow the picture down to a particular geographical location?

That's about all I can really say on the issue; sorry no one's familiar enough with the pictures to identify their source other than dhruv, who is choosing to keep that information confidential for reasons unknown (but they must be good reasons, because it's just a location, and without a location the picture just serves as a "glad I don't live there...Wherever that is...")

Edit: fix'd a tag issue with the quote.
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why India or Bangladesh, it can be Pakistan or Some African Country Or any other third world country. Why do you people only consider India or Bangladesh if u see such pics.

This thread is getting more bizarre as time goes on!

We are now getting criticised for discussing a post in a discussion thread, by a poster who does nothing but re-post the anonymous work of other people, without any input of his own. :lol:

The reason digitalimages said those 2 countries is because that is where he thought the people in the photos looked like they came from, judging from their physical appearance & presumably what he knows of countries which recycle waste like this. They certainly don't look like they come from Africa, as you suggested they might. Please don't imply that he was being racist. I agree that it is difficult to know the countries for certain & as I pointed out myself, at least 1 photo (the woman recycling the bottles) is from a different country - but since you provided no info with the pictures, it is hardly surprising if people have to speculate.

@Livewire - I doubt that dhruv227 knows any more about these pictures than we do. I tracked down his non-disclosed source from where he's been re-posting most of his stuff in various threads, as being You'll see that no more info is included with the photos there, either.
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