Had to leave a lengthly suspension message, I apologize, but I did have to fit in all the separate violations for the not properly redistributed nor properly licensed download you have for IBM Lotus Symphony.
IBM's terms indicate it can only be redistributed on physical media to family members, which yours is not. You have to request permission before you can redist it on the web.
Their EULA also stipulates that with those individual copies on physical media, the EULA notice that I was reading must be included. It was not.
And finally, their EULA explains this:
e. Licensee does not 1) use, copy, modify, or distribute the Program except as expressly permitted in this Agreement;
The EULA actually pretty much disallows -all- modifications to the installer as well, as I'm interpreting it. The sad news is even without this, the first two violations are -way- against their EULA and thus the account had to be suspended.
Try to take more care with other peoples work in the future; I can appreciate that you were remaking installers (
Dylan's .deb Installers
When im not working on PhotoFiltre LX I like to create .deb installers. Here is a small selection which will expand slowly.
), but you -do- need to make sure you're actually obeying the rules set forth by the original developer.