Cant Access my site from work

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May I ask why you're using a botnet? If many people use it then it is bound to be blacklisted by many services.
400 people share the same IP address. Only 10 people absolute maximum would lookat my site
Obviously, people are going to abuse proxies and many are blacklisted. Most are not white listed due to a potential attack of some kind coming from that specific proxy, it can happen at any time.
but if these botnet rules are going to stay overzealous and restrictive.
you should change the name of free hosting to "X10 limited hosting"
This is done for protection. X10 has been recently been having attacks ([D]DoS) attacks and at some point, a server went down or maybe a process or two got killed (xo5 I assume), then the migration began as soon as that was found out and the server was put back up.
This happens on many (popular) webhosts, X10 is a well known host so there are going to be some attacks at some point.

Mod_security was installed on these servers recently to prevent attacks and potential spammers on X10 and on user sites. There are other things in place to prevent stuff such as this just in case a layer of protection fails.

Just because the service prevents some / most bad proxies and connections doesn't mean it's limited.

Not trying to be rude here but you should at least show some appreciation as there's something protecting the 'orb', which shows that there's care in the air.

Correct me if I'm wrong with any of this. :)


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@caftpx10 - The key entry (from Corey's initial reply) is SORBS. Basically, the network has been listed for having an open SMTP relay (whether deliberate or due to a network config error), which enables spammers/phishers to bounce off their net. Back in the day, a SORBS listing didn't have an auto-expiry; if you got caught with an open relay, you had to beg and plead and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you had confessed your sins, done restitution and penance, and turned from your wickedness for evermore, and then if the Council of Defenders of the Holy Mail were feeling generous, you might be given another chance. In the meantime, your business's emails would be rejected worldwide, your website would become inaccessible to the masses, and your world became a very, very small place indeed. A short quarantine that auto-lifts is barely a slap on the wrist considering the damage an open relay can do.


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I have edited my original post so its not ambigious regarding our work proxy.
Our work proxy is hosted by us, and only accessible to employees of our company
its not like unblocking this proxy would allow the public to circumnavigate these new changes.

So its now the 24th of December, and I can only assume that my companies IP address has been re-listed.
Because leafpiggy said it could potentially be cleared on the 22/Dec however I still have no access to my sites at work.

I have used the tools linked above to check what lists my companies IP address is listed on these blacklists for
The only think I can see my companies IP address listed for is Email spam.

I mean, I cant control 100% of what my company sends out as emails, as they obviously need to drive our companies business.

I find it really confusing that you would not have a probationary system for this sort of IP blockings.
You guys just suck up a list of IP addresses from 3rd party sites with no appeal for exemption,
no way to check if these people actually spam YOUR x10hosting sites, you just take a 3rd partys word for it. and use their list as gospel.
If you could actually prove that my company spams your services (which they dont) I would happily stand down from this issue.
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1. You have to go to the listing sites and ask them to take you off. It is not x10hosting's responsibility

2. Your people do not have to send spam. If your email server is not configured correctly, someone from outside can bounce spam off your server. If you don't know how to secure your server from being a relay, talk to someone who does.


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X10Hosting has the right to collect and add these "bad" IPs to the blacklist if they wish for protection from these sources. As far as I know, staff or / and community support cannot change this and therefore it's a bit pointless telling them to remove that IP from the list. I assume Corey could do the job as he's the administrator and CEO, if there's a perfectly good reason for it that doesn't risk security.

Angus has pretty much nailed it and very well, along with the others.

You might as well sort out this security issue to sort this issue along with securing your email server. It's a win-win.
Surely you wouldn't like a potental email spammer on your site, right?
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