cant confirm email address

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Hi, well i just sign up to get a web hosting but the thing is that every time that i tried to confirm my email address to get the \\\'hosting\\\' is not getting like any confirmation. I get the email, and open up the link and tried to confirm the address but is like i get this error: \\\'The email address supplied is already in use (support)\\\'. Is the first time that i got this site so there is no possibility to me being already registered, even though i tried first to update the email address and then go to activate the account or confirm that but still getting the same error.\r\nI also tried by creating a forum account or making the security question but i dont really have a clue to get this work. \r\n\r\nI will appreciate if u can give a hand with this and tell me what\\\'s gonig on or what should i do in order to get a cpanel or ftp access to start building my website.
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