@chats.ws: Per your post and your report, I'm unable to see any issues. The OP has not posted links anyways, and I don't quite understand the logic to "legal licensing" here as chats.ws does not load any valid website with the original license agreement for the software.
As part of the report, your software has not been posted here, so I again fail to see the problem. If you have a legitimate claim, file it through the appropriate channels (there's an abuse link on x10hosting.com), and as this would appear to be taking the form of a DMCA, you will need to adhere to the standard requirements for a DMCA, specifically showing proof your copyright has somehow been violated.
My guess is that won't be possible, so you'll have to provide proof of the agreement that shows advertising is not allowed with the software in question. I've honestly never seen software that you had to have a license just to say you're using it - even vB comes with a tag that says what powers it. You have to pay to get that -removed-, not pay to have that on there, or to say what you're using...