I'm making a list of flaws, goods and bads for each website.
Notice: I over enjoy criticizing.
1. Big white space under the logo
2. Too colorful. Try sticking to basic blending colors.
3. Improper use of web2.0.
4. Footer is hard to read.
5. Logo needs to be thought out more.
Overall Rating: 6/10.
1. Takes a while to load.
2. Takes too long to load.....
3. Still loading... Loaded!
4. A lot more professional then the first.
5. Well thought out sounds and style.
6. Intermediate flash work. (Which is good.)
7. Good background music, which matches other sounds and the style of the layout.
8. Has spaces around the flash video where the hi-tech borders should be. (Approximately 2 pixels)
9. Don't like the fact that you use other websites for your websites guestbooks and such.
Overall: 8.7/10