This is mine which I am kind of surprised.
It has only been up for a week.....
Estimated Value* WebSite Value
This is an estimated value based on the potential advertising earnings of the website and extrapolated,based on site age,position, and market establishment. $406,932.76
Domain Visitor Metrics Domain Visitor Metrics
We provide 3 metrics for web traffic, our metrics come from alexa,google,compete and our own web metrics stats program. Essentially we use the data we know 100% to triangulate the other sources.
Global rank is the arbitary position of this domain against all other worldwide domains, the higher the rank the more popular a domain is.
The Daily unique visitors are the number of unique people that visit this website/domain in a 24 hour period
The Daily Page Impressions are the number of pages that are served in a 24 hour period to the sites users.
Global Rank: 8,556
Google Page Rank: 0/10
Unique Visitors / Day: 61,788
Page Impressions / Day: 549,530
hmm kinda cool thanks