Clear notice is needed for down time with clear specifications of dates and time


New Member
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I have read so many posts that our sites are down. I think Updates, Upgrades, Etc post is verbose and vague. There should be clear cut notice like Google Adsense account that sites are down or closed for maintenance with clear specifications of dates and time. I have got the idea that there is no clear indication of time but soon! Some user's sites have come back while others are still waiting. However, now everyone has to be patient and hope for the best.


I am just me
Staff member
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It is rather hard to set a clear cut date, and even hearder to set a time... It's a huge amount of data to transfer, spread over several servers.

We can't do it based on how many accounts there are, as one may have 1mb of data in the account, while another can have 1gb and yet a third can have 500mb. In theory we could do it based on amount of data, but that never works well either, the speed is never constant.
Also there's the risk that something goes wrong, so some accounts need to be re-transferred, which causes a further delay.

If we had set a date, and there was a delay for, say one day, due to some technically unforeseeable problem, guess how many would say "hey you said we'd have the account by now"?

All we can do is a rough estimate, to give some hint of how long it will take.
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New Member
Reaction score
I am thankful to Corey who announced that there will be an update tonight with the status on transfers. I hope our sites will come back soon.


It is rather hard to set a clear cut date, and even hearder to set a time... It's a huge amount of data to transfer, spread over several servers.

We can't do it based on how many accounts there are, as one may have 1mb of data in the account, while another can have 1gb and yet a third can have 500mb. In theory we could do it based on amount of data, but that never works well either, the speed is never constant.
Also there's the risk that something goes wrong, so some accounts need to be re-transferred, which causes a further delay.

If we had set a date, and there was a delay for, say one day, due to some technically unforeseeable problem, guess how many would say "hey you said we'd have the account by now"?

All we can do is a rough estimate, to give some hint of how long it will take.
*Thanks for your detailed reply. My sites have less than 100 MB of data. I am thankful to Corey who announced that there will be an update tonight with the status on transfers. I hope our sites will come back soon for not disappearing ever. Further there is a statement that suspension will linger most likely indefinitely, if they are being abused then turning them on again will just allow the abuse to start again. It is entirely different statement from migrations. My sites are not abusive at all and yet I am suffering.
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