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Dear admin of X10 hosting,
I am getting really peed of with the constant disruption on my account. I am ok with the current disruption due to the updates but the disruption that is causing the problem is the following.
"Your hosting account was suspended because:
High server resource usage detected. Account will automatically be unsuspended in 45 minutes." or
"Your hosting account was suspended because:
High server resource usage detected. Account will automatically be unsuspended in 30 minutes." or
"Your hosting account was suspended because:
High server resource usage detected. Account will automatically be unsuspended in 15 minutes." or
Your hosting account was suspended because:
High server resource usage detected. Account will not automatically be unsespended."
This must obviously be a major mistake as only 2 people reguarly use the account (chappill) and they are the owners (me and a co owner). This has created a wopping 82mb out of 10GB of bandwidth :O and 18mb of storage and it is complaining about too much usage, so why is this generating us the "high resource usage" error unless you expect your loyal customers to only use their account once or twice a week, I can't see why it is like this. We were thinking of upgrading the account from free but if this account suspension continues we will be forced to abandon our account with you and spread our views on your service.
We have already asked an admin about this and he unbanned the account but never said why the account may have banned and the forums havent chucked up much help to solving this, so this is why i am writting to you to complain.

Daniel S

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There is a topic in the announcements forum explaining that their is maintenance currently being preformed on the servers. The reason you are getting suspended is because we are currently cleaning up the servers witch involves suspended and terminating account at a high rate witch causes high resource usage. Their is a script put in place that automatically suspended an account at any time that is using to much resources (CPU + Ram) at any time. Once the maintenance is over this should not happen.
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