cpanel/ free hosting account issues

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Firstly i apologize i having issues and that this message/ support request is very long!!

I was originally on Cossacks then moved to Fris upto the fris migration everything seemed fine except from the minor needing to update some setting so mySql would work as it needed and was stuck on cossacks

Lately there has been another change to the hosting servers that seen 'Fris' spread over multiple servers plus an update to hardware and this is where my account starts to have its troubles and up in the air (to speak)

After being told ( that all the non suspended accounts had been restored (and fris presumed) the easiest of the issues to see is my stuck account with fris still being called for cpanel server (even tho I know fris is no more used) but i also have issues with PMing on the forums 'access rights' and account actions for such as password changing

From the account summary page:
Hosting Account Summary
Hosting Username jamie182

Status Unsuspended

Package adfree-adfree

Creation Date February 18 at 4:08 am

Hosting Server fris

Main Domain

Sub Domains None

Parked Domains None

Addon Domains None

Synchronization June 11 at 10:18 pm

I have read and attempted to follow (which was wrote by an administrator) after not being able to access cpanel and having fris so thought it applied to myself also so i tried to follow the reset my password but i get an 'A system error occurred while processing this action. Error Code: AE3E7FCC produced by the x10hosting control panel (for password update)

Also i followed the ping my domain advice given by the administrator by using Ping on (suggested by a fellow user) to see which IP my former fris hosted domain matches now resolves to now as Fris hosting now moved accounts so users are now on different servers but mine resolves as an 'bad destination' ( words) therefore i could be on any of the still running free servers despite my website is running as functional.

The administrator of that forum post wanted if any errors 'to changing x10hosting passwords (for control panel, cpanel and forum)' PMed to them however my hosting account issues still continue as my forum account the forum board complains of non access rights to PM them when i was following advice that if i got a error i should consider reporting however after logging off and signing back onto x10hosting again the password change did happen as my password did change. it was mentioned that account panel synchronization will happen in a few days but my account issues are rather severe and do not want to be catched out with the ToS that the site is a non fully functional site (wordpress blog) because my site unable to be updated or just displayed a database error :(

Going to my main domain ( the site is functional to view in a web browser with the exception that Wordpress having mysql database issues 'Error establishing a database connection' error that Wordpress had that similar to when the cossacks -> fris move is probably mySql thinking its non functional Fris. FTP not working currently with Filezilla but maybe that change in soon.

in the future i hoping to have my account linked up to my own domain


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You will be able to reset your password through the Account Management Panel once the backend is synced with WHM. This will happen over the next 24 hours. Until then, you may open another support thread if another problem arises.
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