CPanel Licence Expired on VOX - What now?

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This hosting is really annoying, 3 problems in a week? -.- This is really getting me off from x10 AGAIN! :mad:

Is there other way to access to my email? I mean, whitout using the webmails of cpanel

Totally agree, this service is getting beyond a joke now. Three problems in one week, sack the incompetent admins i say.

Absolut is also faffed up, can't access anything.

**can access cpanel but still 503 when trying to access my site.
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New Member
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My site is on absolut, but I am getting this 503 too. I posted a question on the "community support" here.



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My site is on absolut, but I am getting this 503 too. I posted a question on the "community support" here.


Same as mate. can re enter cpanel but site still saying 503. What is even more weird is I am able to enter WordPress back-end and do the usual stuff in there, I can even preview a page and edit it but when it comes to seeing TLD and SLD it's 503.

It would be nice for some kind of update.
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I'm still getting 503 accessing my site, but like the others, I l can access CPanel.


Prime Account
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I can get to cPanel now, but i get the 503 service unavailable error when using an upload function on my board (other than that I can get on my site fine)

EDIT: Now I can't get on my site at all.

Keep getting:

404 Not Found

The resource requested could not be found on this server!

Looks like my files disappeared

EDIT: I hope I'm not the only one.....:frown:
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I came here for unlimited space and bandwidth. I got that. But no real service? I was going to buy a site from here, but I may go to hostgator instead. I've used 000Webhost with no problems at all. The only thing I don't like about it is limited space and bandwidth.


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That's what is most frustrating, not a single word from support staff at all, it's as if the problem is not existing to them.

This service is absolutely terrible and I will not be recommending this to anybody.

I remember when they upgraded servers a couple of months back, it was a planned upgrade yet never informed anybody until everyone started posting support requests because their site was down for over a week.

This has gone beyond the joke, no support what so ever, you are a joke x10. All fancy with your https yet can't run a server for more than a day without issue, get your priorities in order.


btw i paid for my hosting too and still nothing, shame on you.


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Can't say I'm liking the attitude of some people. I can understand being upset about no response at the moment - especially those who are paying customers - but those who are on the free service, saying they suck when they are offering you a FREE service is just beyond ridiculous.

Do you not realize what week this is? Thanksgiving is in 2 days - did it ever cross your minds that maybe they aren't exactly available right now? They are only human, and they have families - it's quite possible they are travelling and out of town and not able to respond just yet.

It's been just under a day - My site is dealing with this issue as well, but you guys need to have some patience, and stop being so demanding over a FREE product. [It's also more than likely an issue with LiteSpeed - NOT X10, because other pages on these sites appear to be working. Such as my admin panel for my portfolio - yet the portfolio itself doesn't load - just gives a 503 error.]

They've been undergoing server moves and everything else recently - these things take time, and they can cause problems. As I said, just be patient, this stuff will either work itself out soon - or they'll fix it themselves like they always have.

Instead of instantly calling them incompetent [They aren't, they've gotten things done.], take time to consider that they might be busy. Maybe they already know about the issues due to the constant reports coming in and they're working on a fix as we speak. Maybe they just haven't had a chance to update us on it yet.
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Disable all non-vital plugins and the 503 error will go away.

Once when this is sorted out you can re-activate them.

Everybody needs to chill out...


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Can't say I'm liking the attitude of some people. I can understand being upset about no response at the moment - especially those who are paying customers - but those who are on the free service, saying they suck when they are offering you a FREE service is just beyond ridiculous.

With all due respect, I disagree. It's about marketing and perception. They want people to like the service so much that they upgrade to paid. Having no previous experience with the paid service to use for comparison, one has only the perception created by the free service to go by. If I go to a barber with a coupon for a free haircut, and the barber gives me a horrid haircut, I'm not going to go back and pay for a haircut. It's as simple as that, and people remember poor service.

It's all good and well to distinguish the paid service from free WRT feature sets. That's capitalism, and I wish them all the luck in the world. Bottom line, the perception of poor customer service, buggy servers, and protracted down times is driving potential paying customers away. I can see that from the increasingly angry posts here. That's just bad marketing, and x10 needs to realize that.

(Yes, mine is down too).


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With all due respect, I disagree. It's about marketing and perception. They want people to like the service so much that they upgrade to paid. Having no previous experience with the paid service to use for comparison, one has only the perception created by the free service to go by. If I go to a barber with a coupon for a free haircut, and the barber gives me a horrid haircut, I'm not going to go back and pay for a haircut. It's as simple as that, and people remember poor service.

It's all good and well to distinguish the paid service from free WRT feature sets. That's capitalism, and I wish them all the luck in the world. Bottom line, the perception of poor customer service, buggy servers, and protracted down times is driving potential paying customers away. I can see that from the increasingly angry posts here. That's just bad marketing, and x10 needs to realize that.

(Yes, mine is down too).

But here's the issue - the problem actually seems to lie with LiteSpeed [The actual server host] - so, using your example, it would be like getting upset with the barber because his scissors broke halfway through the haircut, unexpectedly. It's not really his fault. It just kind of happened while he was doing what you wanted.

Now, not only is your haircut jacked, you have to wait for him to get a new pair, or fix the ones he has. Same thing here - we have let them know that the issue exists, and they have to fix it.

The problem being, this is likely a busy week for them - there's a big holiday coming up in two days, and they may not have everyone they normally would available. Maybe the server hosts don't have everyone available.

Instantly getting angry about the issue is not the right way to go about it - that's all I'm talking about. People need to calm down and understand that these guys are human beings, just like them, with lives outside of this hosting gig. Not only that, they've been undergoing some big transitions in regards to making moves with the servers - something that can easily go wrong.

Plus, LiteSpeed is based in New Jersey, USA - it's possible they are having troubles due to that recent storm [Superstorm Sandy].

If it's an issue with the hardware - then they have to get in touch with SingleHop - who is based in Chicago, and again, it's possible they are shorthanded, given the holidays coming up.

As I said before, they might not have had a chance to update us on the situation yet - after all, the issues with Vox [Which seems to be the main server affected, though Absolut seems to be a victim as well.] were only recently solved, and this current issue JUST sprang up yesterday.

This is really just a bad time for an issue like this to pop up.


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With all due respect, I disagree. It's about marketing and perception. They want people to like the service so much that they upgrade to paid. Having no previous experience with the paid service to use for comparison, one has only the perception created by the free service to go by. If I go to a barber with a coupon for a free haircut, and the barber gives me a horrid haircut, I'm not going to go back and pay for a haircut. It's as simple as that, and people remember poor service.

It's all good and well to distinguish the paid service from free WRT feature sets. That's capitalism, and I wish them all the luck in the world. Bottom line, the perception of poor customer service, buggy servers, and protracted down times is driving potential paying customers away. I can see that from the increasingly angry posts here. That's just bad marketing, and x10 needs to realize that.

(Yes, mine is down too).

The point you did not make is -- you did not go to that barber until you received the 'free' coupon

you are using a free service -- IMO you would not pay for any service

x10hosting free-service has never been said to be the same as the paid service - which BTW has paid staff for support

"potential paying customers" would NOT pay for free service

you do not like the free-hosting here then move on to some other host - no one will miss you here.


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Sorry, guys, none of what you have said changes the issues of marketing and perception. That's what it is all about, IMO, and this is not a good business model.

And yes, I have been considering paid hosting ... somewhere. Our group's budget does not support it ATM, so it would have to come out of my pocket. Which it probably would, and likely elsewhere at this point, if I do decide to go that route. Right now, given that I've seen notes from paid users here having serious issues, and the fact that the feature set improvements are not significant WRT my current needs, there would seem to be no advantage to it.

FWIW, if the staff is "too busy" to take 30 seconds to post a note in Service Alerts, it would seem that they have bigger problems than we all think and you had better make sure you keep current local backups. A few words now and then would go a long way towards settling down the natives. Even the IRC channel seems to be unmanned since around 22:07 last night.

I will say that in the past the staff has been very helpful and professional on the rare occasion that I have had to deal with them prior to the recent upgrade difficulties. I would like to stay here, really. But the problems over the last few months have me worried.


Staff member
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The free hosting staff is 100% volunteers (myself included), and we already devote quite a bit of our free time to x10. However, all of us have lives outside of x10, be that day jobs or school, and the times right around holidays tend to be abnormally busy for both. Your statements about marketing and perception may be valid, but try stepping in x10's shoes and offer constructive feedback on how you would improve those two aspects (I recommend that you make a post in the feedback and suggestions forum for if/when you decide to do that, so it isn't buried somewhere in this forum).

Also, note that the free servers are more unstable than the premium servers for two very good reasons. First is the sheer number of users on each server -- we push things to their limits and beyond in our free hosting setup and this has caused numerous problems throughout the years. Second is that we use free hosting as a live testing ground for configuration optimizations, improvements, etc. to evaluate if/how well they work and whether it would be possible to push those improvements to the premium servers with no service downtime.

Finally, for the IRC channel, you have to stay at LEAST 15-30 minutes if you want a response to your question. If you join and leave 3 minutes later, of course you won't have anybody answer you (I am not saying you are guilty of this, but it is the recurring pattern that I see in the channel of people wanting help). I highly recommend reading as a primer on getting help on IRC for ANYONE who wants to use our IRC system to ask for help.


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Thank you for the reply, Skizzers. It seems that someone woke up, as status updates are being posted now. Good. ATM it says that most 503 errors have been fixed, but mine has not.


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It says on status updates that 503 has been fixed but this is not the case, I still have 503 service unavailable, the server is temporarily busy, try again later!

Does admin think they fixed it, who tests?


Prime Account
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It says on status updates that 503 has been fixed but this is not the case, I still have 503 service unavailable, the server is temporarily busy, try again later!

Does admin think they fixed it, who tests?

still working on it

503 errors on Absolut and Vox1 day ago
It has come to our attention that attempting to load many PHP scripts on Absolut and Vox will cause a 503 Service Unavailable error. Static HTML sites and certain PHP scripts are not affected. Administration is aware of this issue and is working to fix it.

UPDATE: We are still working on resolving all of the issues related to this error. While it seems most of the 503 pages have been fixed, we are still in the process of fixing other issues with PHP, such as the missing PDO extension.
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