If you want to open the file every sunday for example:This is for php file.This actually executes the code inside the php file.
* * * * Sun /usr/local/bin/php $HOME/filename.php >> $HOME/log/logforfilename.txt 2>&1
But if you want to just open a file,I donot understand a cause why would someone open a file just like that unless the file has to help the users cause some how.
Suppose it is any javascript/html file..
* * * * Sun /usr/local/bin/php $HOME/filename.html >> $HOME/log/logforfilename.txt 2>&1
Where I should put this file, in main, not any folder?
Im used: Sun /usr/local/bin/php $HOME/test.php >> $HOME/log/logforfilename.txt 2>&1
And in php file script sending me email but its not working.;/