"Default Web Site Page" again and again...

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When I try to reach my site by writing the correct site's name: http://geppettvs.x10.mx I receive a "Default Web Site Page" instead of my site.

Cuando trato de alcanzar mi sitio escribiendo el nombre correcto del sitio: http://geppettvs.x10.mx recibo una "Pagina Web Default" en lugar de la mia.

The address bar reads: "http://geppettvs.x10.mx/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi" instead of my site's name, which makes me think that something may be wrong as the browser is reaching my site's perfectly but it can't handle my index.html and it is running to the cgi instead.

La barra de direccion dice: "http://geppettvs.x10.mx/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi" en lugar de el nombre de mi sitio, lo que me hace pensar que algo puede estar mal como el sitio esta siendo alcanzado por mi navegador a la perfeccion pero no puede manejar mi index.html y esta corriendo el cgi en su lugar.

Should I erase the "defaultwebpage.cgi" from the cgi-sys folder? (which you shall explain how to as the "cgi-sys" folder don't seem to be in my public or private folders).

Deberia borrar el "defaultwebpage.cgi" de mi folder cgi-sys? (lo cual tendran que explicar como hacer ya que el folder "cgi-sys" no parece estar en mi folder publico ni privado)

My website is having two folders: public_html (which is mostly used to place the website itself) and a "www" folder (which seems to have the same as public_html).

Mi sitio web tiene dos folders: public_html (el cual es mayormente usado para poner el sitio web en si) y un folder "www" (el cual parece contener lo mismo que public_html)

Is it something I can do to improve the performance of my site?

Es algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el rendimiento de mi sitio?

BTW: I have experienced this problem before, when helping friends to manage their website, the thread can be reached in the next link:

Por cierto: He experimentado este problema antes, cuando ayudaba a amigos a administrar su sitio web, el hilo puede ser alcanzado en este link:


Thanks in advance. // Gracias anticipadas.

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Free Support Volunteer
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I can see your site. Delete or clear your browser's cache. That error is usually in place from about 24-48 hours after you set a domain name in your hosting account.

Everyone is supposed to have public_html and www folders in their accounts. www is just a mirror of public_html, and all files are supposed to be uploaded to public_html.

It looks like everything is working now. Feel free to post back with anymore problems.


New Member
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Thank you for your fast answer. I can access my website again.

Gracias por tu pronta respuesta. Ya puedo acceder a mi sitio web otra vez.

And thank you for the clear explanation of those mirror folders. I really appreciate the time you spent to drop an answer for me.

Y gracias por la clara explicacion de los folder espejo. De veras aprecio el tiempo que gastas en dejarme una respuesta.
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