disappointement on the quality of x10hosting

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I am very disappointed about the stability of x10hosting.

When I discover 4 months ago x10hosting, I was very pleased :

free web hosting
possibly without ad's
with cgi, php mysql
decent disk space,
etc ....

ok, after loosing some time with suspended account, etc ... finally I find some habits and everything was good.

But, now, my web site is totally unstable ... lot of time it is not accessible. Some pages from the cgi are not displayed frequently. The bandwith is becoming an issue. I have lost a lot of time my changes ...etc ....

Actually, I was ready to change my account for moving to paid hosting ... but I am wondering if the quality will be improved ? ... and now, I am hesitating really a lot ....


Abuse Compliance Officer
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You won't find a better free host anywhere.

Short and to the point eh? :)

GG's pretty much right, especially if you look at WHY it's been a bit iffy lately.

AdEnhanced: Moved from Cossacks to Stoli, something about a new server. You might notice adFree's on Cossacks now - it didn't used to be, hence there were some problems/tricks getting accounts moved properly.

AdFree: I believe it ended up on a new server, so that explains why it was tricky to use for a few days.

AdFree Cossacks is also down right now according to http://forums.x10hosting.com/free-hosting/13706-x10hosting-services-up-down.html.

Pretty sure Corey said something about purging the inactive accounts and upgrading cPanel as well - those can cause high load, which in turn causes downtime.

Bad timing on Cossack's part I guess :(

If memory serves however, the paid server WAS NOT TOUCHED during the server move and this current downtime; separate server, a hell of a lot less accounts, which also means it doesn't usually require the same level of maintainence (read: You aren't running an inactive account script every week - no inactivity timer on paid :) ).

So in short, it's just been a bit of a bad stretch for AdFree'ers on Cossacks lately. Paid and AdEnhanced are working, and it appears that AdFree Absolut is working as well. Guess the best way to put it is the luck isn't in Cossacks favor for today/tonight :(

I wouldn't worry about upgrading to paid though; paid is a completely different server not even marked on the X10 services up/down topic I linked to earlier. They also get access to the VIP support section of the forum, so their problems should be the ones getting solved first.

Paid = probably the best server x10 has. If not hardware-wise, then the fact that with less accounts it's not down NEARLY as often, and it's not getting shuffled around with the other servers.


I Break Things
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There is no comparison between free and paid services. They are separate servers, separate support, etc...

Either way, we are working through issues. The servers and web hosting software in general are just not made to handle the amount of accounts that we deal with in free hosting. We bring on 500 new accounts daily while terminating anywhere from 200-400. That is a lot of constant data swapping. If you've been with us a few months you should know it is not always like this and we'll eventually get through the issues and have things running smoothly again.


New Member
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Hey I upgraded to the paid, becasue I knew it would be the best.

The phrase, beggars can't be choosers, fits perfectly here. Where would you find a better host, FOR FREE, if x10 were not here? So take you complaints back, watch the upgrade lists, and deal with it, or upgrade. That simple.
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Community Advocate
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I agree totally, for a free host, considering the amount of time i sit here on my site, i do not see any downtime really.. and even if it is, it seems to only be 5-10 minutes if Stoli is rebooting or something... i know cossacks has been having more problems, but still... its 100% free? Why complain about it?
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