Disk Quota?

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Hi. I am new to this server and trying it out on the free plan before I fully transfer my site and get premium. I have been running a WordPress site since 2007 on wordpress.com and their fees have become absolutely ridiculous! So. I am attempting to clone my site to my free account here, make sure everything is running smoothly, then transfer my domain name and close my wordpress.com site account. The only problem is that my current site is big. I have archives from all the way back to 2007 and don't want to lose anything! I have been trying to install my plugins but the installs always fail from the WordPress interface, so I tried uploading them via FTP to just activate them in the interface, but the FTP client keeps telling me that I am over disk quota. I haven't even gotten my theme set up, plugins installed or anything like that, only a partial clone of my site data! There are still items from my old media basket that wouldn't transfer, also (images) and I will need to do manually.

Did I miss something on my signup about the disk quota? I need to get this done ASAP. Any help would be appreciated!

My old site that I am transferring: http://j-k.photography
My new test site here: http://jkphoto.x10host.com


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When you join x10 Freepages, you are allocated 512 mb of space. Once you have a working web site online for 7 days (it does not have to be completed), are following the TOC and are using at least 1/2 of your initial space you may request additional space on the forum. Additional space is now allocated by doubling your present amount of space. As you use your allocated space, additional space may be requested as needed.
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