Do I need to open a support ticket for my previous support tickets???????????????????

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Hello again,

I am getting increasingly FRUSTRATED with the COMPLETE LACK OF SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have apparently made server changes that have caused my contact forms to stop working on my site. I have sent an e-mail message and two support tickets on this, checked the knowledge base, posted in the forum, searched the Internet, etc. I got no acknowledgment that my e-mail message or support tickets were even received by you.

Here's the problem AGAIN:

I have a simple contact form that uses a CGI script to send a plain text e-mail message to the e-mail address specified in the form. It was working perfectly. In cPanel, I activated the Simple CGI Wrapper within the CGI section of cPanel, uploaded the CGI script to the scgi-bin directory and changed the permissions with CHMOD to make it executable.

Recently, I happened to notice that the form was no longer working (don't know how long that's been going on). I hadn't made any changes to the form or script. I checked the file permissions and saw that the CGI script was no longer executable. I fixed that (somehow you changed that on the server). That didn't fix the problem. Someone in the forums suggested that I put it in the cgi-bin directory. That didn't work.

cPanel no longer has a CGI section in it, however, its documentation states that it does. I can't find any information on this "scgiwrap: Caller must be the nobody user" error that is being generated now when the form is submitted. Everything I have read on the Internet points to it being something changed on the hosting server's configuration.

Here is the form action and where the e-mail address is specified that the form contents is to be mailed:

<form action="" method="POST" name="EZFormMailer">
<input type="hidden" name="to_email" value="" />

Please fix the server problem or tell me exactly what I need to do on my end to fix it. Like I said, I didn't make any changes to the form or the CGI script between the time that it was working perfectly until now.

You state that you support CGI for free hosting users, but cPanel doesn't have a CGI section anymore like it used to have. Do you not support CGI anymore? If so, I'll need to find a different hosting provider. I was planning to upgrade to paid hosting when I can afford to do so and would like to stick with the same provider, but if this complete lack of support is an indication of your service, then there is absolutely no reason for me to ever become an x10hosting paid subscriber.


Community Support
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Re: Do I need to open a support ticket for my previous support tickets???????????????

Paid users have a different support system and they can call the X10 800 number to speak with an admin directly. You aren't competing with 30000 other users (literally) to get support. There are probably 100 tickets a day submitted with users just as frustrated (if not more, I've seen some REALLY mad people :biggrin:) as you.

Unfortunately, I'm not experienced at all in CGI, but I will do my best to assist you and hopefully someone more experienced will come along to assist me.

Can you try using a simple script that will do something other than send an email to do a test if the script is loading at all or not? Then we can establish whether or not the problem is with sending email or with your script loading, since your script is known to work properly. For example, in PHP I would do something like:

<?php file_put_contents('./test.txt', 'This file was created, so this script loaded correctly!'); ?>

So, when the script loads it creates a file in the same folder as the script, and if the file is there, then I know my script works. If this works for you (with CGI) then we know that your script is loading, but the problem is with X10's sending mail and then we can fix the problem from there. If your script doesn't write the file, then your script isn't loading and something's wrong with your site's configuration or possibly the server configuration.

Also, just to make sure I've covered all the bases, have you checked your junk email to see if the test you did ended up there instead of the inbox? Are there any errors in your logs?


Grim Squeaker
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Re: Do I need to open a support ticket for my previous support tickets???????????????

I tried

and it came up with an 500 Internal Server Error.

Have you investigated that? At least it looks like the server is trying to run your script.

Possible cause: Wrong permissions. File uploaded in binary rather than ASCII mode from a Windowz machine.

Edit to add:

I just uploaded it there and used CHMOD to make it executable, but I still get the same "scgiwrap: Caller must be the nobody user" error message.

I think you were calling the scgi-bin version here. I don't think you get that message for anything in cgi-bin.
The version in cgi-bin, now seems to be working properly (generates an Error: Invalid Request Method if you type it into the address bar and an Invalid Referer if you click on a link).

Don't know about the issue with scgi-bin (maybe the admins disabled the feature), but at least the script is functioning.
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Re: Do I need to open a support ticket for my previous support tickets???????????????

I changed it yesterday to point to cgi-bin and I got either an Invalid Request or Invalid Referrer message, so I changed it back to scgi-bin since that's where x10hosting had said to put it (and that's where it had been working just fine). Today I tried to duplicate the error message by changing it back to cgi-bin so I could post the error message in another thread, but now the form is working. (Yay!) So I guess I must have just happened to test it when x10hosting was encountering some server problems.

I do wish that x10hosting would let us know when they make such a major change as to require scripts to now reside in the cgi-bin directory instead of the sgci-bin directory. Had this info been posted somewhere in the forums and/or cPanel documentation, I would have found it right away and not had to go through all this frustration, nor open a support ticket.


Community Support
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Re: Do I need to open a support ticket for my previous support tickets???????????????

I changed it yesterday to point to cgi-bin and I got either an Invalid Request or Invalid Referrer message, so I changed it back to scgi-bin since that's where x10hosting had said to put it (and that's where it had been working just fine). Today I tried to duplicate the error message by changing it back to cgi-bin so I could post the error message in another thread, but now the form is working. (Yay!) So I guess I must have just happened to test it when x10hosting was encountering some server problems.

I do wish that x10hosting would let us know when they make such a major change as to require scripts to now reside in the cgi-bin directory instead of the sgci-bin directory. Had this info been posted somewhere in the forums and/or cPanel documentation, I would have found it right away and not had to go through all this frustration, nor open a support ticket.

I don't think this is intentional by any means. CPanel is a closed source application, so when they make changes, we only know what they tell us. The last CPanel update especially caused a few problems, this may be yet another.
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