Google can visit your site pretty much as often as it wants (or you would like). The only potential problem is that, combined with regular user traffic, you may find yourself hitting the High Resource Usage limits if you are crawled too often. That isn't code you are running on your site, that's code Google is running that touches your site, and as far as x10Hosting is concerned, Google is just another user visiting your site.
Again, the prohibition is against code that you run on the server. You can't, for instance, operate a bot that crawls or posts to other sites, nor can you run any code that "stays alive" or "zombies" (comes back from the dead every few minutes), which would include things like health monitors, persistent listeners, large data operations (3D rendering, mapreduce of "big data") and the like. Reasonable crons are allowed for site maintenance, pre-rendering, caching and so on; they're considered part of the normal operation of a web site.