Not quite sure about if it goes against the terms of service is the most of my worries, anyways the point of the website is to distribute a free cheat called WutStorm for the game Team Fortress 2, even though others consider it 'game hacking' it's not essentially hacking because it's not illegal nor threating. It's not a script in any way shape or form it's going to be a exe that checks if out of date (It will not autoupdate you have to manually visit the website) injects a DLL into hl2.exe which is Team Fortress 2 since it is a internal cheat and thats just how it works. It's not malicious however antivirus think it is since it injects its self into the game which pretty much manipulates the process by putting in code that doesn't need to be there and that is why.
You can analyze the executable if you want however it is packed just to make reversing harder for people who have a malicious attitude towards it and there will also be the actual DLL with no protection.
You can analyze the executable if you want however it is packed just to make reversing harder for people who have a malicious attitude towards it and there will also be the actual DLL with no protection.