its very easy. (in case of some domain registrar company) ,
just login to your account from where you have registered your domin. then go to "domain registration page/menu" or your domain page in panel then you may find "modify nameserver" option, say you bought from , then you may see name server , there you should change those to , ns2.x10hos.... from field box and click save button!!
for me as example , I bought from , I go to my account,
then I find it by last 10 purchached or simply* "search"
when it shows then "doman name click to manege>" then "modify name server" where there are 4 field box.. " , ns2.registrar... and so on" just I can change it and then clicking "save" button will make it cmplete.
Then from you have to add this from "addon domain" and all files should be in
that folder, you will find that folder in the same place where you
find your subdomain here.
Note: I am also new beginner, this is my 1st domain and another one I bought for my friend at the same time. Well still I've given a long lecture LOL:naughty: